Hi Sebs,
I am not to sure if you know that cruelty to animals could lead you to being 
leashed by Maneka Gandhi ( maybe you will like it). Referring to Lucas you are 
probably right or wrong and I am wrong or right. I found the historical snippet 
interesting and posted it on GN since so much Goan history is discussed in all 
forms nowadays without mentioning the first Goan Catholic. 
We have an apt saying in Konkani: When you pelt a stone at a dog, whether it is 
hit or not, it always limps on its left leg. For some people today, Devanagari 
script has become the left leg! (;-))

History might be a joke to you but to me it is a serious matter.? I do get 
confused when I google for this topic and get the following in eight random 

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