The malyalee publisher who strayed into Goa claims that his worst fears about 
corruption in Panchayats of Goa have been confirmed by the recent report card 
from the Directorate of Panchayats. It was probably something the 
self-proclaimed stray migrant Goan was perhaps waiting for, in order to build a 
case for his real estate and mining patrons.By claiming that the results of the 
exams or assessment conducted by the Directorate of Panchayats for the year 
2009 -10 is likely to be a big disappointment for those who swear by the 73rd 
and 74th amendment to the Constitutution and wax eloquent about decentralised 
planning, he has  only demonstrated his gross ignorance. Stray Thoughts is part 
of Goa's menacing problem of stray cattle, and stray dogs.

In his eagerness to settle scores with politicians and Goans who refuse to buy 
his dubious rubbish on the weekend, he is trying to market a lie created by the 
very culprits who destroy the panchayats. Who will judge those bureaucrats and 
officers who sat in judgement over the duly elected constitutional 
representatives of the local bodies to prepare this report card? It was rightly 
pointed out by Mr. T R Raghunandan, then Jt. Secy to the Union Panchayat Raj 
Minister during his visit to Goa in 2008,  that the player cannot also be the 
refree. The all - knowing stray publisher has forgotten that there was  a 
report on Goa published by IRMA- Ahmedabad in 2007 -2008 for the Union Ministry 
of Panchayati Raj which spells out the reasons for the pathetic situation 
prevalent in Goa's Panchayats which probably this recent report card prepared 
by the very perpetrators of corruption seeks to cover up.  

No one denies the fact that rampant corruption prevails in Goa's village 
panchayats, but it is with the blessings of these very bureaucrats and 
politicians who prepare report cards for others. The logical question would be, 
if there is so much  illegality in Village Panchayats what were the steps taken 
by those in authority to remedy the situation? The Central Finance Commission 
and Central Planning Commission have prescribed a list of reform measures in 
Panchayat Raj which has to be carried out by the State Government. How much of 
those recommendations have been implemented? On going through those 
recommendations one will realise the hollowness of the report card published by 
the Directorate of Panchayats.


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