Message: 1
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 14:07:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>
Subject: [Goanet] Deccan Herald interview
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Teo should realize that the targets of his (Teo's) criticism are not
there to defend themselves. So for a minimum their actions should be
given the benefit of the doubt and certainly not distorted with some
clever phraseology; that pushes the falsity to the line, under the
guise that "the truth is not known and should be studied"?


There would be no History if it can deal only with the living! There
is even an international rule that permits the archives to throw open
for research  the official documents only 35 years after they were
produced. That is meant to give time for the producers to retire, if
they are not already dead!

So what is the evidence for the two-faced nature of what I read from
Teo?  Not too long ago, I thought there was progress on the truth
about the Inquisition, when Teo headlined one of his
original post / thread as "Inquisition for Colonial Disciplining."? So
Teo finds rational for the Inquisition in this thread; but in the
interview severely critics SFX for thinking along similar lines. No
where in the article was it mentioned that the inquisition was
introduced to Goa more than a?17 years?AFTER SFX left Goa and 8 years
AFTER HE DIED.? So to link the abuses of the inquisition to SFX is an
outrage that Teo, the reporter Devika Siquera and the newspaper editor
(all Goans) should be ashamed off.?

Gilbert should know that interviews are brief and one can hardly ever
say all that one wants to say. Even what is said carries editorial
cuts and changes when appear in print!  That is why no single article
/ interview should ever be read in isolation. I would suggest that
Gilbert or anyone else should comment only after they have read all my
writings during the past three and half decades! Rushing around to
make cheap statements is easy, but also irresponsible. It should also
be said that historians have the obligation to correct themselves
along the way, if and when new sources require it. That is honesty,
not lack of it, as someone tried to post to Goanet just a couple of
days ago.  Those who see monotones are either morones or colour-blind!
 Besides, sending private mails with unsolicited information to cause
intrigues or to put one Goanetter against another should have no claim
of respect for privacy anywhere among honest persons. Fortunately
there are Goanet archives for those who wish to verify the contents
and contexts.

I am aware of the current brutality of the criminal justice system in
USA with police abuse, false victims etc etc. So I do campaign for
doing away with America's criminal justice system; even for legitimate
cases?? And replacethe criminal justice system with what?

Non sequitur.  Would Gilbert replace the deficiencies of modern
judicial systems with Inquisition? Did UK have no justice at the time
when the Iberians had Inquisition?

Teo passes himself as an honest historian. And very likely he is. But
in the interest of full disclosure, he should state his own past?links
to the Jesuits; which may cloud his judgment.
To read Teo's reports on any issue related to the Jesuits or the
catholic church is to rely on reports of a man talking about his
ex-wife and her family. It may be the truth; but the reader needs to
use their own judgment and caution.? The reporter and editor failed to
mention this important aspect of the subject-person she interviewed.
Poor journalism!?

I do not need Gilbert or anyone else to give me lessons of honesty.
Besides, I have never hidden my credentials, present or past. Anyone
can google to find my past affiliations, and most who read my postings
/ publications are aware of them. I do not fancy Gilbert's funny
suggestion that I should prefix ex-priest / jesuit for everything I
write. It is the duty of critical readers to find out who the writer
is and his antecedents.


Peace and Regards
Gilbert Lawrence

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