One either has Balls/ the Balls or one doesn't

Some have them, some do not; others do not know about theirs. What could
they be. They are balls or gunteo. Sebastian D'Souza (Mirror Photo Ed.) had
the cohones and presence of mind (also, Madhukar Zende, CST Station
Master) on Nov 26, 2008 as did Sriram Vernekar (TOI).

Considering that women are up there on the ballsy-meter and rightfully so;
its time those men who have indeed lost theirs, find them soon. Decide once
and for all

venantius j pinto

> From: Marshall Mendonza <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Saby, smile please!
> If a picture is worth a thousand words, Mumbai Mirror photographer
> Sebastian
> D?Souza deserves a Booker.
> (DEL)
> Highlighting the fact that Saby courageously followed Qasab and Ismail
> inside CST station, Tahaliyani said the Mirror photo editor took various
> positions to click the terrorist duo. ?The positions taken by D?Souza and
> how he went from one end of the station to the other to track Qasab and
> capture images have been duly considered while accepting D?Souza?s crucial
> evidence,? he said.
> (DEL)
> On June 15, when Saby deposed against Qasab and identified him as the
> ?short
> guy? of the three sitting in the dock, the photographer with an
> ever-smiling
> face had said chuckling, ?How can I forget him? He made me famous.?

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