Note: News in Konkani is attached a Baraha Document


All construed as "Beauty" lies in diversity, so does the beauty of
Konkani. When such beauty in diversity is accepted by all, the unity
automatically follows. When groups who declare that a language should
have one script, one dialect and by these selfish norms  try to show a
mirage of one society, the whole concept of unity goes haywire and
brings on chaos. This is exactly what has happened to and in Konkani.

Konkani language and its movement, since 1939, has been in fetters
because of the deadly slogan - ‘one language, one script, one
literature, one society' - voiced by a handful of people with hidden
agendas, has caused havoc. In the past 71 years, because of this
mentality of such people, the Konkani people of 4 States are not
united and irreparable damage is done to the literature.

1. The proponents of the Deva Nagari script for Konkani have prevailed
over all other script through the Akil Bharat Konkani Parishad and
every session held by this set-up has vehemently declared that the
Devanagari script is THE script for Konkani language. Not that there
was no opposition to this but in spite of such oppositions, the
proponents of Devnagari are still holding the fort.

2. This same set up has had its hold on the Konkani Advisory Board
from 1981, formed for every 5-year term of the Akademi's Executive and
General Councils with managing to have 5 Goans out of 10 members and
the out of the other 5 to have three members who are staunch
supporters of the dictates of the Parishad. The balance of two from
Karnataka have no say in the matter for obvious reasons.

3. The very same set-up, when Konkani language was accepted by the
Government as the State Language declaring to that effect that "the
official language of Goa shall be Konkani", very cleverly inserted a
clause to this declaration which reads thus: The official language of
Goa shall be Konkani as written in  Devnagari! This  hideous  trick
could be termed as the historic injustice to Konkani literature.

4. This very same group, while Konkani was being introduced in the
schools in Goa, cleverly manipulated the issue to slap the dialect and
script of its choice on the syllabus. They tried the same strategy
when Konkani was being introduced in the schools in Karnataka but
failed miserably in their despicable effort. Even now, with the
financial strength they muster, the attempts are on to have the
Konkani language taught in Devnagari in the schools of Karnataka.

A handful of people have manipulated the the issue of the scripts of
Konkani using every vile method under the sun by way of distorted
arguments, one-sided decisions and damaged the language mercilessly,
not to mention the harm done to the rich literature it nurses.

There have been small scale attempts to ward off this situation but
one solid, concentrated strategy has not been adopted by the
proponents of Kannada and Romi scripts.

Now the time has come!

This is a clarion call!

An unprecedented opportunity has come our way - The Sahitya Akademi,
New Delhi, has decided to place this issue of the script infront of
the Language Development Board with a decisive aim to resolve this
imbroglio once for all. This decision was taken on the 15th and 16th
of February 2010 in New Delhi during the Meetings of the Executive and
General Councils of the Sahitya Akademi. This decision has been
authentically minuted and circulated among the Members of the
Executive and General Council.

It is the bold and selfless presentation made by the renowned Konkani
littérateur Mr.Edwin JF DSouza who also happens to be the Member of
the General Council (2008-2012) of the Sahitya Akademi.

This is a historic development and an opportunity which cannot be
allowed to slip through our fingers. The follow-up procedure has to be
deft, subtle and immediate.

This movement is named in Konkani as "SUTKE SAMAVESH" and its first
session will be:

On 23 May 2010 from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm in the Auditorium of
St.Aloysius College, Mangalore.

In this Session- Konkani lovers from 4 States will gather and raise
their voices in unison to put an end to the false publicity,
manipulations, lies.

Dear true lovers of Konkani, this is a War for Justice.
This will never fail.
We will not let our Mother tongue languish at the hands of selfish people.

The ad hoc Committee of the Sutke Samavesh:
Coordinator: Mr.Marcel M.D'Souza, President of the Konkani Writers'
Forum ® Mangalore
Members: Eric Ozario, Gurkar of Mandd Sobhann, dauntless Konkani activist
Valerian D'Souza (Vally Vagga) Konkani activist and litterateur. (Mysore)
Dr.Edward L.Nazareth, Convener of the Konkani Sanchalan, award winning
Cyril G.Sequeira - Konkani litterateur
Gladys Rego - Konkani poet, novelist and publisher
Henry M.Mendonca (HM Pernal) Poet, columnist and fearless critic
Charles D'Souza, writer, reporter
J.F.D'Souza, writer,  newspaper columnist
Dolphy F.Lobo, Editor, Playwright, Publisher, novelist
Victor Mathias (Vitori Karkal) Konkani activist
Ancy Salvadore D'Souza (Ancy Paladka) Mumbai, Konkani Poet and activist
Fr.Pratap Naik, Director of the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Goa
Tomazinho Cardoso, President of the Tiatr Academy, Goa
Wilmix Mazarello, Convener, Romi Lippi Action Front, Goa
Premanand Lotlikar, President, Dalgado Konkani Academy, Goa
Jose Salvadore Fernandes, Secretary, Dalgado Konkani Academy
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