Catholic land scam: Bishop listens before he talks  *By:* Bobby Anthony   *
Date:*  2010-05-16   *Place:* Mumbai

*Bishop to discuss Marinagar land deal with parish priest at St Michael's

Bishop Agnelo Gracias met Father Hugh, the parish priest at St Michael's
Church in Mahim, on the church premises at 7.45 pm on Saturday to discuss
the Marinagar land deal with protesting residents.

Earlier in the day, the bishop had invited protesting Marinagar residents to
the Bishop House for a discussion to resolve their differences and discuss
the issue.

As reported in the MiD DAY on Saturday, Marinagar residents got access to
the bishop after they held a morcha in the Bishop House compound.

"Cancel the power of attorney given to the developer and stop the two
buildings which are to come up on our gardens and recreational grounds.
That's all we want," a senior citizen from Marinagar requested the bishop.

"The trustee of St Michael's Church Trust has the authority to stop any
developer, even to take away the power of attorney.

He can appoint a lawyer and get a stay order on any developmental activity
if there is a violation of rules.

So, you must take up the matter with the trustee," said the bishop.

He then called Father Hugh to fix an appointment with him.

The bishop listened to the parishioners at length and discussions continued
until late afternoon. For the moment, Marinagar residents appear relieved
that that the bishop is no longer passing the buck of the land deal on to
Father Hugh.

  *What happened so far*

Yesterday, Mid Day had reported that residents of Marinagar, an exclusive
Catholic colony in Mahim, had written to church authorities about
irregularities in
a land deal. They alleged that advertisements calling for tenders for
development of lands were never advertised in The Examiner, the official
publication of the Catholic Church in the city. They also said that flats
belonging to St Michael's Church in Mahim were being rented to a real estate
development firm to be used as its office, instead of being rented out for
their original purpose--as residences for deserving Catholics. The residents
held a morcha to the Bishop's office as they suspected the involvement of
higher Church authorities.


Gabe Menezes.

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