Dear Dean,
Firstly, you have admitted your agencies/partners role in the designing of
the project and therefore  I would be interested to know where the question
of slander arises in me reporting the fact. Whether all is fair and pure is
what the people of Cuncolim will establish in the days to come.

Secondly, you state that,
"I happen to be his current target and it saddens me to be drawn into
needless e-mail exchanges when there are so many villains and burning
issues to deal with."
Who are these villains please name them? Who are those who complain about
villains and also share the table with those very villains? Let the people of Goa know it. Is there some thing called ethics in architecture and certain universal principles or is
it just the law that determines the right and wrong? Are not those who
exploit the present TCP Act and show the loopholes to their clients, also
villains in the destruction of Goa? Is saving Goa only about hill slopes and
eco-sensitive zones? Why not Goan culture and livelihood sensitive zones?
Should the laws in Goa be enacted so as to only regulate DLF and Rahejas and
not the local scamsters who swamp local inhabitants with buildings all
round, block their access so as to corner them into parting with their land?
I have said it before to some scoundrels and state it again. Soter is not
'bekar' to waste precious time targeting certain elements in GBA. Soter has
not jumped onto government committees and struck consultancy deals. It is
sad that some Goa Bachaos also double as Goa Hatao and this is what compels
us to speak out. If mere reporting of a fact on goanet creates nervousness we
cannot help it.


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