To Goanet -

I reckon that what Dean D'Cruz really has an issue with is the sunshine 
directed at the architect community.  So he labels it slander.  Let me tell 
D'Cruz what slander looks like.  Slander is when F Noronha attempts 
to smear a distinguished Goan scientist based in the USA and cast 
him as a communal bigot.  Slander is when a GBA coward hides 
behind a fake ID on Goanet and throws muck on folks like Claude 
Alvares without a shred of evidence to back up his claims.  (This fellow 
was swiftly introduced to sunshine.)  Slander is when some GBA 
members (and the omnipresent F Noronha) fabricate malicious 
gossip that Soter & I are recipients of backdoor funding from BJP/Manohar 
Parrikar or that we are working at their behest.  I could go on, but I trust 
that Dean-bab gets the idea.

It is okay to call into question the professional activities of an 
architect/builder/civil engineer that are a matter of public record for 
they are part of the very industry that has upended our erstwhile 
paradise.  Given Goa's advanced state of ruin we can no longer make a
distinction between "good builders" and "bad  builders" any more than we 
can draw a distinction between "good miners" and "bad miners."  These 
cartels have destroyed the land, its culture, its life.  The miners, builders, 
architects, contractors, politicos are all supping from the same fetid pool. 

Then there is the other point: the Save Goa poseurs have been shown to 
be deceitful.  Case in point, the footsie-dancing ex-convenor of GBA who 
told Goans one thing in public while cozying up to Digu's govt behind 
closed doors.  Soter and I were both right on that call.  D'Cruz and his 
have put on this "Save Goa" schtick for over 3 years now and what do they 
have to show for it?  Bupkiss.  Nada.  Even after this epic flop, they want 
no accountability, no questions asked.  Some conceit, eh?  

Anyone claiming to be a Save Goa warrior while concurrently 
breaking bread with the "villains" deserves to be challenged.  Especially
if the claimant has wangled the perfect trifecta - a seat on govt bodies 
involved in policy making, a seat in the now discredited GBA swamp, 
and a home within the very industry responsible for Goa's destruction.
These fellows use the cover of activism to get a seat at the policy
making table to protect their own interests, but when anyone raises
concerns they are quick to shout slander.

Now, of course, it is a free country, and people are entirely free to ply their 
trade in any way they deem fit - that is their prerogative.  What they cannot
do is play on both the teams and then expect the rest of us to hold our peace.



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