It is a fact that the architects go by the rules of the road, a hand-book of do's and don't.
As far as I am concerned, this is the Bible for the profession.

There was an instance reported to me [ during the RP2011 ongoing agitations]. A certain Delhi Party had acquired the approval of plans to develop an entire hill side at Arambol, facing the Arabian Sea. This Delhi party approaches this architect to plan a spread for him. When the architect was told that it was a hill-side, he wanted to see the place he was going to develop. That done, the architect, having found that the slope was more than 25 degrees, wanted the contour plan done. No need, he was told. You go ahead and do the sketch so that we can sit down and check it out. Therefore the architect did do the sketch, limiting himself to 33 per cent in view of the more than 25 per cent gradient. The party gets infuriated to see this and tells the architect that he has to utilize 100 per cent of the space as he has the clearance from the highest authority (meaning Babush Monserrate). That he is being paid handsomely to do the job, and what was his problem. This architect guy tells him to go f**k himself. To get the plans done by some one else. That he values his Goa more than the money his is going to make and/or his license to operate. And in so doing, he returns the file to the high and mighty Delhi party and it would seem that this was the end of the story.

However, Patricia Pinto got the marketing brochure of this place and through she saw to it that this project was halted. However, I had no knowledge at the time about the dealings of the Delhi Party with the architect. This, I came to know only when this project was questioned and halted. It was done because sensitive members of the Goa Su-Raj Party from the area contacted me and for my part I sent one of our executive members from Siolim to check this out.

However, I am not sure if this project has been revived or not as the people in the vicinity have not reported to me to the contrary, whom I have instructed to be on guard for these beautiful hill slopes for 100 per cent development. If the rule book say 33 per cent, then it must be 33 per cent.

I wonder if more architects do the things that this champion of Goa's cause has done.

At a time when it is required and proper, I shall openly felicitate this dear Goan architect for a job well done unto his motherland. And I do hope more architects do the same, including architect Dean D'Cruz, who I am sure is doing his very best to preserve Goa for posterity especially since he is the GBA and the Goan gullible people will want to place full trust in him and people like him.

from PPS to PPS

----- Original Message ----- From: "soter" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Need for developing credibility in activism

Once again Soter, Rajan and their group have been accused of slander by a celebrity architect. An editorial in one of the local corporate mouthpieces mentions campaigner disunity. Why is Soter attacking the poor architect (before this it was the poor doctor) has been the question asked to Soter's friends but not to Soter. Some others express fear that such exposures will embolden the corrupt political establishment and must not be done in larger interest. Whose interest we do not know?

Goa is a small place and if one is observant then double standards in activism gets noticed very easily. Whether these are mere contradictions or betrayals is left for the people of Goa to decide. In some cases it is not less than an irreversible sell out. Activists sometimes have no inhibitions in receiving awards instituted by agencies with controversial or dubious reputation.

To err is human but what about these double standards which get marketed as normal and beneficial to the community? These contradictions are something like one consuming poison and also telling others to keep away from the poison. It is a contradiction where corruption by politicians is condemned by professionals but corruption in their own professional dealings gets marketed as entrepreneurship. This contradiction is of a type where one participates (directly or indirectly) in an activity that destroys the environment and at the same time also claims to be an environmental campaigner. This contradiction is of a type where a campaigner demands upholding the freedom of expression by the government but supports the suppression of truth in the media.

And while all this goes on, anyone who exposes this contradiction or duplicity gets quickly accused of slander. They get accused of fostering disunity. This double standard club is no small club. Like the politicians, it has influence over the information machinery to distort the truth and portray villains as angels and angels as villains. This is a class that create their own publicity as impeccable champions of the masses. When their contradictions are pointed out it becomes slander. When they expose the double standards of others it becomes a social change campaign.

Just as exposing corruption strengthens the nation, similarly exposing double standards of campaigners can only help develop the credibilty of social movements. If not, social activism will also become the refuge for scoundrels which appears to be the case today.


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