Xabas Selma! It is definitely good news you give all of us about
your new found prodigy Zarina who is an authority on Panchayati Raj. We
require more and more of Zarina's in Goa. I hope you have kept her informed
about your latest public comparison about me and her.
Could you please make her contact number public so that we can put needy
in touch with her. This will definitely reduce our burden and give us some
privacy. My
contact is splashed all around and sometimes it becomes quite taxing for us.
Probably Zarina also has my contact number.
The fact you request everyone not to read the views of Rajan, Anil and
myself is definitely a compliment to us. We feel priviledged to be among
those writers that warrant a public notice from Selma appealing not to read
our views. Hope your tribe flourishes.
Selma bai, konknnint ek oparuch asa; "Udkant mhos, bhair mol."