Parts of your editorial  “ Campaigning, in style ” in your daily, the Herald
dated 17th May are factually incorrect.

At the very outset your comment that a section of the media have been
gunning for Mrs. Winnie Coutinho is very unfair to your colleagues in the
fourth estate. Your newspaper and another local English daily (having an
aversion to my name) are the only ones that did not cover the Winnie
Coutinho Saga.  So was the entire media wrong and your daily the only one
that did (in) justice by not reporting the issue.

While you have been quick to condemn the ‘media trial’, you apparently
forgot the role played by the media in serving justice in the Jessica Lal
murder case.  In this case as in the others justice would have been
perverted by the powers that be, were it not for the public pressure exerted
through the media.  True, there is a need for systemic checks and balances
(that work), the absence of which cannot be an argument for allowing
corruption to go unchecked.  It is obvious in Mrs. Winnie Coutinho’s case
that the checks did exist, but the powerful political arm checkmated it.
We brag about freedom of the press but the ‘business partner’ of Mrs. Winnie
Coutinho was able to block the news in your daily by his close and powerful
links with your paper. This priest who prefers to go by the title Mr. as you
may know is a holder of a journalist identity card issued by your newspaper.

Every other newspaper including the national and electronic media
highlighted the issue as it was obviously a serious matter that the
government after coming to a finding that Mrs. Winnie Coutinho was corrupt
and incompetent allowed her to continue as Public Prosecutor in the High
Court due to the political pressures exerted by two South Goa powerful
politicians Mr. Mauvin Godinho and Mr. Churchill Alemao.

Mrs. Winnie Coutinho had a right to defend herself. She could have placed
her side of the story and fought back. But she chose to stay quiet and slip
off into the wilderness by resigning. This is a clear admission of guilt.
She knew very well that she had no case to defend

Union Minister for Law and Justice Dr. Veerappa Moily’s recently said that
persons with doubtful integrity should not be made judges. Mrs. Winnie
Coutinho’s name could in no way be considered for appointment as Judge of
the High Court and for that matter for any judicial position.

I have nothing personal against Mrs. Winnie Coutinho but one has to have the
courage and conviction to speak up in public interest even at the risk of
getting one’s fingers chopped. Every allegation I have made against Mrs.
Winnie Coutinho was based on documented evidence which I have obtained from
the Government itself under the Right to Information Act. Your reporter who
covers the High Court proceedings would be in a better position to enlighten
you more on the misdeeds of Mrs. Winnie Coutinho.

You have also referred to the helmet issue. It has been and continues to be
my stand that helmets alone will not save lives. We need to make our roads
safer and usher proper traffic management to control the number of
accidents. By the way I do use the helmet now.

You have also referred to the Ribandar Church case where I focusssed on an
individual priest. Yes, I did so and had to nail the priest who had molested
an innocent 13 year old girl on Christmas eve in the Church premises.

In the cocktail of issues referred by you, is my relationship with Mr.
Manohar Parrikar. Yes, we may have deferred on various issues but one cannot
deny the good Mr. Manohar Parrikar has done to Goa and Panaji in particular.
I do not believe in petty politics and have friends and good relations with
persons in all political parties

You have also referred to the case of the politician’s son. This case was
handled by me as an Advocate and not as a campaigner. Every lawyer is within
his rights to take up or withdraw from any case. And in that particular case
I acted within my rights.

You were unfair in stating that in my past campaigns I have been targeting
individuals rather than issues. I am happy that as I turn 50 next week I
have taken up an equal number of issues over the years. While highlighting
an issue it’s bound to hurt some individuals. The recent case at hand is the
clean up of the IPL where Shashi Tharoor and Lalit Modi have had to bear the
brunt. You need to weed out the rotten individuals to get to the bottom of
any issue. Trust me on this!

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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