In a civilized society 'gender' does not matter when it comes to contesting the legislative assembly posts or posts to any of the self-governmental positions like the Municipalities and Panchayats. And Goa, by most, is considered to be a civilized society (unless one takes into consideration that our so called civilized society has allowed the migrants living in self-made slums to creep into the electoral rolls ad nauseum )

Those who contest elections to public offices, do so because they consider themselves worthy of that challenge. It does not matter if it is a 'man' or a 'woman' [there is no record to show that a woman is inferior to a man, except when it calls for bloodying a colleagues nose, throwing furniture around and ripping off of the public address system in the house during the assembly or parliamentary sessions :)] and therefore, by virtue of this reasoning, the Goa Su-Raj Party totally disagrees on the point of 'seat reservation to women'. And how the 33 per cent formula is arrived at, is altogether as perplexing an exercise as the reservation policy itself.

To give an example, in my village of Moira, there are two (2) Panchayat wards out of seven (7) which are reserved for women. Out of these two wards, one elected ward member can be said as a forward looking woman, though much is left to be desired. But the other ward has elected a proxy of the husband who could not contest due to the reservation as the women ward, a ward that he has nursed like a baby (read vote-bank).

Therefore, the point that I am making is simply that those men who cannot contest in the 'women only' ward have no other alternative but to field their wives, daughters, daughter-in-laws ... what have you and the merry go round goes ahead without making an iota of difference.

If Goa Su-Raj Party can help it, it will de-reserve every state legislative assembly constituency as well as all reservations including the reservations to OBC, et al because with reservations and quota systems, instead of we becoming progressive we regress to the point of absolute inefficiency and ineffectiveness in governance which solely depends on effective laws rules and legislations. And for this, we must have elected members who are independent of mind and not proxies to their relatives.

In the last Panchayat Elections, I had proposed to our village that we set-up an 'all ladies' panel and get all ladies elected to our Moira Panchayat. But this suggestion did not take a bite but a lot of interest was generated. Since Goa Su-Raj Party is totally convinced that all Village Panchayat and Municipalities should go in for 'panel' system of elections to bring in Panchayat and Municipal elected bodies which are 'gram sabha friendly' rather than have them fighting with gram sabha members, which is the general trend in Goa. Individuals get elected on their own discardable manifestoes or no manifestoes at all and VOILA.... the loot and plunder goes on as that member can be bought by the local MLA or the Minister. And if that is questioned...... we have no-confidence motions galore. Therefore the Village or a City 'panel' will have a Village or a City Manifesto and the panel members will be obligated to go by the manifesto on which they have been elected or face the flak.

To conclude this vile topic of reservations, the Goa Su-Raj Party is open for a dialogue to field 'women candidates' in all the 40 constituencies of Goa Legislative Assembly in the coming 2012 General Assembly Elections to elect the 'ALL WOMEN GOA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY' or an attempt to make this possible and be the first Legislative Assembly anywhere in the WORLD to enter not only the LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS but the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS.

Any takers GOA ??????

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PS: We have already identified at least half as many worthy women candidates to fill the house of 40, that is, if only each one does not say "I DON'T LIKE POLITICS' when the time comes to put the right foot ahead.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gabe Menezes" <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 4:17 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Yet another faux pas by Goa's Chief Minister!

Goa CM's sexist remarks anger women activists

*Panaji:* Goa chief minister Digambar Kamat's statement urging women not to join politics and not fall for the "33 percent reservation" bait has invited
criticism from the women's rights lobby in the state.

Sabina Martins, former member of the Goa State Commission for Women and
convenor of the renowned civic NGO Goa Bachao Abhiyaan, said Kamat's
comments at a public function Saturday smacked of sexism and callousness.

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