[1] jc wrote:  Dear Santoshbab,  I disagree with both you and Fr. Ivo on 
this matter. I believe that "life" begins with the act which might lead to 

    [2] Fr Ivo wrote: This is absolutely wrong. It is coming from a 
pediatrician (known as a "JOKER"). Good that he "believes" that life begins 
with the sexual-genital intercourse, which "might lead to conception". We are 
scientifically and medically illiterate ("quacks"), but we are sure that human 
life begins with the first moment of conception.


   I did NOT say that  .....life begins with the sexual-genital intercourse, 
which "might lead to conception". Read again (if you wish) carefully. You just 
might spot the difference between what I wrote and what you (and possibly, MD) 

  Once again, I do not expect Fr Ivo to understand (officially, at least) what 
I wrote. 

  **I find JC beating around the bush. He does not tackle any problem 
seriously. He may divert our attention to "postal tuition" and despise the 
valid statements. I am not interested in the answers given by JC, which have no 
value whatsoever, though he holds a medical diploma. I stand by what I have 
said: Human life begins scientifically from the moment of conception. What else 
could lead to conception? I do not need any "official" document to say what I 
am saying.

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