Catholic Forum Launches Nationwide Protest Against Anti-Christian Facebook Pages


MUMBAI, Maharashtra (SAR NEWS) -- Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), a
Mumbai-based national activist community non-governmental
organization, has launched a countrywide protest against Facebook and
called upon the government of India to ensure that blasphemous pages
of any and all religions are taken off the website.

In a press release here May 24, CSF general secretary Joseph Dias said
a research by the forum had shown a number of pages on the social
networking site Facebook, especially in the ‘F***’ series, were worse
than the ‘Draw the Prophet’ pages, which were being protested by
Muslims throughout the world.

“These pages hurt the sensibilities of the followers of various faiths
and must be taken off forthwith. CSF joins the protesting Muslims,
especially since Jesus Christ is also considered a prophet in Islam
and respect the desire of Muslims not to have a depiction of their
prophet, as per the tenets of their faith,” Dias stated.

Facebook has a number of venerable figures and religions ridiculed,
saying religion is not above criticism. Links for these sites
available with the CSF have been forwarded to the Union government for
immediate action of getting the same removed from the website.

“These web pages are highly offensive to religious sentiments and
hence the call for action,” the CSF release said.

The forum also called upon Facebook to tender an unconditional apology
to the world for hurting the religious sentiments of millions of
followers of different faiths.

It urged Sonia Gandhi, the chairperson of the United Progressive
Alliance that heads the government at the Centre, and Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh to resolve the issue by blocking the website.

“CSF is not for banning Facebook or its related websites, as it would
adversely affect the interests of millions, many of whom are dependent
on the Internet for their living, business, networking, etc. Sites
like this must, however, be held responsible for objectionable content
to prevent the potential disastrous consequences of their actions,”
the release said.

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