Goa's CM Kamat's remark - politics makes you crazy- made to some women who
wanted to meet him to discuss an issue intrigued me as did the video
surprise me. Did most people see both? Does politics make one crazy is a
good question? Why wasn't Kamat asked what he meant? Was he saying he is no
longer the same person after getting into power or was he implying only men
don't become crazy? Does he feel a sadness about it?  A fall from grace? Why
wasn't the point clarified in a dignified manner rather than the screaming
and shouting we witnessed in the video? Or is this normal behavior in Goa
I've been misquoted, how many times do we hear this statement? Don't Goan
reporters carry recording devices or not? Or are they banned when they meet
a politician? In future, it  might be a good idea to do so as it is easier
to identify the facts, who said what! All this appears so strange, something
you'd expect in Wonderland rather in Goa? Or is Goa, Wonderland?

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