To Goanet -

In today's Herald, Admin Frederick Noronha rushes to the 
defense of Dean D'Cruz and Oscar Rebello, both of whom 
he alleges have been "targeted."  By whom, he does not 
specify.  Therefore, I have to step in and do the needful.

As everyone knows by now, Oscar Rebello was "targeted" and 
unmasked some months ago - by Oscar Rebello, writing in the 
Herald.  In targeting Oscar Rebello, Oscar Rebello admitted that 
he had "danced footsie" with the political establishment, the very 
political establishment he kept telling Goans he and his group were 
fighting against.  So Admin F Noronha is, er, on target here.

Now Dean D'Cruz: he was queried on Goanet about his conflict
of interest - a practicing architect who sits on govt bodies
crafting policies for his industry (the very industry that has wrecked
Goa), and simultaneously occupies a front row seat in GBA.  D'Cruz
has thus far failed to provide an explanation for why his is
not a conflict of interest.  I think Admin Noronha can assist
D'Cruz in formulating a response given Admin Noronha's intimate  
knowledge of what constitutes conflict of interest from his own
personal experience.

Heed the wise Admin Noronha's warnings about targets, 
fellow Goans, for Rome was once saved by the cackling 
of its faithful geese.

Warm regards,


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