Your first statement is true. It would be a good idea to educate our panchayats since they seem to be aroused of late.There are many important decisions that are within their purview. Protecting all wells and water bodies, taking care of some of their garbage generation for recycling, and above all sanitation with better systems of sewage and waste water recylcling. This would atleast save Goa from going down the drain.Its important also to have all land holdings computerised and the tax collections taken care of.

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 4:28 AM, Goanet Reader wrote:

Suddenly, the politics of protest has changed quite
drastically in Goa. Ten to 15 years ago, villagers not
wanting the Konkan Railway to pass through their backyard
were termed "communal". If the Church took a stand
against the impact of mass tourism on Goa, it was seen as
deeply suspect. Even campaigns over companies like Metastrips
were not taken at face-value.

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