
Here is one fella who campaigned in Taleigao and Aldona Constituencies (in that order in 2005 & 2007) with the same Kiswahili message. "Kula hapa na Kura huko'

However, sad to say that in Goa, no body understands Kiswahili. And those few that do, have long forgotten it.


----- Original Message ----- From: "manuel tavares" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 3:05 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Tarvotteanchim bondolam

If Soter is right, then we Goans are really Ignorant passive ' Shinkon Brutt' (pardon my Kokni) and do deserve the type of Government that we have. I was in Kenya for many years and even the illiterate among the Africans knew that their vote counted. They had a common saying in Kiswahili 'Kula hapa na Kura huko' Literal translation ' Eat whatever your given here but vote there' in other words, consume the Feni and Chicken that Churchill is offering but vote for change. A change that will usher in a new responsive and representative Government more receptive to the needs and aspirations of Goa and Goans. Wake up you Goans and smell the Feni. It surely stinks if it comes from one of the current Politicians.Let us vote in a new era in the history of this tiny place we call Goa which has produced from its Children from Nuclear Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, Professors, Teachers, Tailors, Mechanics, Musicians, Football players etc etc etc. Now can we not produce a Government which is truly " Of The People By the People and for the People ? THIS IS MY CHALLENGE TO YOU AND I HOPE YOU TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

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