Dear Floriano and Camilo,

Chandragupta Jayanti was lost at Sea. For me, it is not important whether it
was lost in the Sea of Japan or Atlantic. What is regretful is that
Churchill was not on board that ship. Rather, if all 18 congress chors would
have been there, Goa would have been automatically saved.

By the way, I am thankful that Florian is 365 degrees, One hundred per cent
with me. I also appreciate his physical and philosophical efforts five-ten
years ago. But nowadays he is shooting paper missiles more than actual act
of running 40 goons from the tallest cliffs and into the Arabian Sea. Good
riddance to bad rubbish is possible by action and pen-work
(key-in-click-work now) is only a motivational force.

One day, Florian power will certainly drown Digus, if he does not get
disheartened by failures. I was taken aback by the helplessness he showed to
Manuel – I campaigned in Taleigao and Aldona with the same Kiswahili message
"Kula hapa na Kura hako'. However, no body understood Kiswahili. And those
few that did, had long forgotten it. This was Florians response to Manuels
Kenya experience where Kenyan illiterates were more rational than shinkun
brutt Goekars when it came to voting. They followed Kiswahili saying - Eat
all you get here but vote there – Meaning eat Churchills Feni and Chicken
but vote for change.

Florianji, Be positive. Keep going. I am with u.

No Cheers for now; only Jitters!


PS: My earnest request again:

Of-late Goanet is heavily splashed with all such topics. These are
entertainments. For some these help to achieve I ALSO CAN WRITE or PUBLICITY
objectives. For politicians these help to achieve DIVERT PUBLIC ATTENTION
from their misdeeds.

Goa is being raped by Land sharks, mining mafias and politicians. Goans are
dying under minig trucks. Our fields are destroyed by Ghati builders.
Churchill, to create vote bank like Digu motidongor, is bringing 2800 ghatis
to Carmona where 500 goans now stay. You will neither have Konknni nor Romi
in Goa some years from now. Every year 40,000 ghati construction laborers,
mining truck drivers, Moti-dongor maids, security guards, mining laborers
come to Goa and 5000 Goan engineers, doctors and educated migrate to

Tarvottea, aunties, overseas Goans had to go abroad because our politicians
did not create adequate opportunities in Goa. They are our own nij-goenkars.
They have been sending dollars which helped Goa to sustain partially. They
funded whatever they could our crucial “opinion poll” as well as “Konknni
movement”. So let us not run them down.

I can talk fluent konknni but I cant write in theoretical Romi. I may write
pultodcho as even pailtadacho (as pronounced in Vengurla catholics)or
peltadcho (as pronounced by Mangaloren). I love konknni, because it is the
first language I started talking in. I did not learn it; it came from my
inner core. But our konknni will disappear once non-konkanis in Goa are more
than konkannis and that is not far.

So let us be rational. Let us postpone entertainment for good days or have
less of it and more of things that are trying to destroy Goa and Goans.
Media is purchased by MINING, the politicians friends. Goanet is still our
hope. So show concern on Goanet. Politicians will try to divert u on other
issues because it helps them. Some politician agent will start such topics
and we will get lost in them forgetting our main issues. Don’t fall prey to
games of politicians.


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