Tip The Den, Mickey ! 


As kids most of us must have played "hide and seek" and "tip the den" games one
time of the other, both are similar but "tip the den" is certainly the more
exciting one, as kids it was very exciting and enjoyed it too, it did not
require to many kids as well, could be played even between just two kids, with
not much space required either, one could play it anywhere and everywhere. In
villages even today, every time I watch kids play that game a smile lights up my
face and takes me back in time, to the good old days of yore.


While playing this game we hid, not just behind trees or structures but also in
some of the most difficult of places not worried of the dirtiness around or the
availability of light either, we just made ourselves as invisible as possible,
leaving the poor soul (the den) to spot us before we "tipped the den", sometimes
a few of us would come in a group out of nowhere and tip the den, leaving the
"den" confused and immobile. For kids it does sound good but when the grown up's
play this game, they look ridiculously silly. 


Last couple of day the media is all about our "Hip Hop" politician Mickey
playing "tip the den" with our security services and I am sure he is going to
"tip the den" even before our "den", the police, realize it, making them look
utterly foolish.


Mickey Mickey Mickey where are thou ? asks the security services, how can a man
of your stature and acumen do this to us, when we supported you in all your
endeavors, acted blind to all your aggressions, even against our very own, and
time and again reached late to curb your favourite indulgence the "direos", we
even let you drive your expensive all terrain vehicle the Hummer without
registration, helped you by delaying the FIR filed by your wife Sara, and the
complain by the Engineer whom you had slapped. Even in this case too we will
help you as much as we can, now just because it's fresh news, everyone is
interested, but after a while everything will be forgotten. We have been so nice
and accommodating and why do you like to make us look foolish in front the Goan
people ?


Most of us know the fire brand politician who got his kicks by breaking every
rule in the book or on second thoughts, he could have been ignorant of the
rules, a possibility knowing his personal limitations. He was a tailor by
profession, he then goes to Bahrain where he struggles and in some years reaches
the land of opportunities called USA, like a lot of migrants his stars seemed to
have shone too and out of a nobody he suddenly becomes everybody's envy, as he
lands up in a fortune that nobody had dreamt off.


He than comes back to Goa flaunting his newly acquired riches and locks horns
with our Great Churchill Almeao and before anyone could say "Alleluia" he kicks
Churchill's backside and wins the election from the constituency of Benaulim and
voila in no time showing his muscle and money power becomes a minister, if one
dud can become a Minister or even a Chief Minister why not the other ?  So
starts the political life line of Mickey. He even went to the extent of owning a
football team but then as the football governing body of India did not bow to
his ethics he withdrew his team. But as it is said it's impossible to straighten
the tail of a dog, so also the problematic life style of the flamboyant Mickey. 


"Old habits are hard to die" is an old axiom which is very much applicable to
Mickey, his inherent temper and his flair for expensive cars, women and equally
fast lifestyle were not the perfect panaceas for all his ills and did put him in
a lot of trouble both personally, as well as a politician and the latest episode
has culminated into Mickey playing "tip the den" with the security services. How
far and how long it's to go ? We'll have to just wait and watch.


Mean while speculations and anxiety over the situation grows the bereaved family
has to go through muck and acrimony. This is indeed tragic.  In any crime the
guilty must be punished, but isn't it true that every crime should be treated
equally ? Every individual has to be given justice ? Does not our constitution
give justice for all ? So, when so many other equally questionable suicides,
murders and abetments are just ignored, while only a few are looked into, why is
the life of this young lady so important and that of the others so worthless ?
Are we seeking justice ? Or are we seeking revenge ? Or are we seeking political
mileage ?  In fulfilling our political agendas we just do not mind whom we
trample over or what distress we cause to the other, as long as we get the


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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