Over 2000 travel on Patna-Vasco train in 6 General Compartments 
(with combined seating capacity of just 425) – Says SWR GM

“I personally saw over 2000 people traveling  in 6 General Coaches 
of (the weekly 2741)  Vasco Patna Express and I am convinced 
something need to be done”  
Said South Western Railway General Manager Kuldeep Chaturvedi
GT  11/6/10
‘You can expect to see increase in frequency as well as 
capacity in the forthcoming new time tables” he promised.
JoeGoaUk Says:
Over 2000 in 6 compartment means over 350 are jammed packed 
like sardines in each General Compartment having seating capacity 
of about 75 only.
Imagine travelling in such compartment by about 5 time more than 
it’s capacity.
Of the 2000 travelers in GC,  there would be at least 500 new  
beggars  added to Goa every week ?
 (also ref. alleged remark  by  Goa minister Ravi Naik that  the new 
train from Patna would bring  more beggars to Goa from Bihar)
Total capacity of the 18 compartment train would be  over 2800 
i.e. over 2000 in GC and remaining in  9 Sleepers Compartments and
 2 A/c boggies.
Welcome to Goa
Beggars heading to Capital City may contact
Panjim Police, CCP or City MLA for your 
sleeping  allotment zones etc
some pics
Some quotes on new Patna Trains etc
>From archive
another with pic


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