I agree with your comments. The singer lost the originality of the song. Does 
she honestly think she can sing 'Hanv saiba poltodde vetam'?
Lino Dourado

From: jose fernandes <>
To:; "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sat, June 12, 2010 8:18:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Aum saiba... via Toronto!

The singer has murdered the beauty of the song and language too, coz of
improper diction and pronounciation of words.

Salvador Fernandes

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 8:29 AM, philip pereira <>wrote:

> Quite interesting, to say the least!!  A Goan woman singing Konkani but not
> with Goan musicians (the bass player and drummer) but with whites although I
> have no doubt, there are tons of excellent Goan musicians in Toronto!!  And,
> incidentally, since I am a drummer, the white drummer seems quite
> amateurish.  Looks like Goans will always pander to the whites.  That's why
> our beautiful land, Goa, has almost been taken over by the whites!!!  I will
> be copying you a couple of most interesting e-mails I have received showing
> how Goa has been absolutely decimated by the white influx.
> Phil. P.
> --- On Thu, 6/10/10, Frederick Noronha wrote:
> Aum saiba... via Toronto.  [Jacinta Luix is daughter of Jerry/Eva Luis
> of Toronto, ex Candolim/Dar. Eva is ex Zanzibar.]
> Thanks to Ivy from NZ for the link.

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