Dear Marshall,
Aside for Boff asking the questions, do you know where this dialog appeared,
and who wrote it. Is there more to it, other than the brief dialog? Was it
part of something larger, were there others (round table?; could be it was
merely a circular table)---considering Boff's embarrassment in the first
place, and further seeing it as an irrefutable statement/argument. I say
this since one interesting aspect about Christian practice (as say, closer
to home--a toddy-tapping practice) is the desire and ardour to live it, not
only/just be able to talk about it and that to at varying degrees of

What happened in that dialog is Being 101(A Basic course in Living), and it
strikes me as bizarre that Boff, or any one else' sense of Christianity
would not a priori include the words the Dalai Lama spelt out. Hence my
earlier questions. I presume the idea of religion in this case was to Seek a
Way to live, and as the DL put its includes whether one is religious or not.
Both embrace, many ways of being and seeing being--Agnosticism, Atheism,
Non-Theism, Apatheism, Culturalism, Humanism, etc, Also, almost forgot an
important one--Rationalism.

There is also more to the word freedom than appears in the phrase "Theology
of Freedom."
Ignore my questions, if you cannot track source, or if will take to much
time to do so.

venantius j pinto

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