Historically, revolutionary ideas have emerged first among artists. Artist add new flavours to old dominant ideas and plays the role of a gear wheel in the mechanism of the society for a change. A widespread observation is that an artistic talent has a free spirit. Art and Artist are independent and tolerate in propensity for making fun of major and minor tyrants in society. Art and Artist has its own power in the world, and is as much a force in the power play of global politics today as it once was in the arena of cold war politics. Art is universal and should not be confined in the four walls of politics. There are nevertheless, examples where artists employ art in the service of political change and vice versa.

I always believed art and the artist should be apolitical. For me, art is art and politics is politic. So, I wonder why the organisers of Tiatr "ADVOGAD” invited Mr Churchill to be the honourable chief guest? And what is honourable about this man? Why Churchill should come all the way from Goa to attend Tiatr in Dubai? Is he coming as Konkani interpreter for the Goan English speaking audience? Is he coming with his new employment scheme for Dubai Goans to work as watchmen with Rajeha’s? I am quite certain there other sinister motives behind his Trip to Dubai.

Whatever may his scheme of things, I for one cannot be in the league of untrustworthy person under the same roof. An elected representative of people who can go down to gutter and call Goans ‘PIGS’ is unworthy to be in our midst. He deserves strongest condemnation in strongest term.

I love tiatr but not this political tiatr. I cannot be devil’s advocate (ADVOGAD) hence I boycott this tiatr and so also request fellow Goans in Dubai to boycott this event to send a strong message to one and all that GOAN are not PIGS and our self esteem is not for sale.

Viva Goa!

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