Anti-human trafficking efforts in India gives more power to corrupted policemen

Many experts unanimously point out corruption and bureaucracy as two of the main causes behind human trafficking in India. Yet, Indian tourism ministry recently announced that it would place the code of conducts and guidelines against child trafficking and pornography throughout tourism sites in Goa, India. [1] According to an article, the government will require the hotels, taxi drivers, tourist operators, and other service sectors to follow the code of conduct to fight against child trafficking in Goa. [2] However, given the history of corruption and bureaucracy in Goa, the ministry's effort seems rather beating the bushes.

What the code of conduct implies
According to a report, the service sectors in Goa are prevented from assisting tourists from seeking child pornography or prostitution by the code of conduct. The stipulation of the code of conduct will required them to alert "police" when discovering child pornography materials on the guests. If they fail to abide by the guidelines, the service sectors will lose their licenses. Also, they will be penalized by the authorities.

A little insights on the policemen in Goa: they actively search for the money in your pockets An Australian wife of an Indian man testifies her horrific experience with the Indian policemen in Goa. When leaving the hotel after spending a few days in the region, they were accompanied by three Indian undercover policemen. They physically pulled her husband to the corner and started questioning him about who he is or where he is from. The policemen threatened the couple that the husband would be placed in jail, once they found the drug in the hotel room that they were staying at. As the police began their vain search for drug in the couple's hotel room, They said: IF WE FIND DRUGS IN YOUR ROOM, WE'LL PUT HIM IN JAIL. HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO PAY TO PREVENT THAT FROM HAPPENING? [3] Aside from the incident above, there have been other cases involving police corruption in Goa in the past. In another incident, a police officer in Goa benefited enough from the bribes to own hotels in Switzerland and two other providences in India. [4]

What would likely happen after the implementation: A Reasonable Assumption
One can only conclude based on the incidents stated above that the code of conduct implemented by the tourism ministry would further open the doors for the abuse of police power. Once the guideline is placed in the service sectors, the police can question the hotel owners and operators about the child pornography or prostitution in their proactive search for bribes. In addition, the police would likely question the tourists for possession of child pornographic materials and ask for money to avoid consequences. In fact, it would not be surprising even if the American or European pedophiles visiting Goa would walk free after bribing the policemen for their misconducts. One report stated that the tourism industry would consult the experts from International organizations including the UN Office for Drugs and Crimes on Tourism Option. The issue, however, remains the same: Who is going to prevent the police corruption from creeping into child trafficking issues in Goa?

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