Some other suggestions:

here are some "mountain" sayings, while on the subject (but not related to the molehill series):

Dongra-voilim fulam dev shimpta
Heaven waters the mountain flowers (the hardy are blessed)

Ilem ilem punji kelear, dongor zata
If you build a heap little by little, it will grow into a mountain

Moddvollachem sunnem nhoim ghorchem, nhoim gantthachem
The washerman's dog belongs neither to his house nor to the mountains

Dhazanancho sangat korcho nhoim, koroddachea ujeak shek-chem nhoim
Don't keep too many friends, don't stoke a fire of dry mountain grass
(it may engulf your own house).

All courtesy Valmiki Faleiro's collection. Watch for his book when it hits the stands... (some months away).

IRENE: ...gettin back to d mountain n molehill.. i suppose there is one like ottiachem (as in elephant) goddo (horse) korta .. but a frd says its vice versa.. goddaichem otti (excuse my spellin pls) .. hav u heard of tis proverb..

EDWARD VERDES: Kaddiecho Dongor Korop...making a mountain of a match stick??????

RABINDRA PIMENTA: Edward is quite right! @Irene: "Making a mountain out of a molehill" = Kaddiecho dogor korop! It is usually used to denote an exaggerated account of small/little be more precise... "Kaddiecho dogor korta."

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro wrote:
Dear Joel,
     That is the equivalent of the proverb that goes "The mountain laboured and 
produced a mouse."

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Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436 +91-832-2409490
Journalism, editing, photography

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