Traditional Eco-Friendly Sao Joao to be held at Salvador do Mundo.

PANAJI: A unique proactive festival …. aimed at encouraging youth to learn and showcase their skills in performing arts and revive some fading traditions will be held on June 20, 2010 from 11 am to 1 pm at … Salvador do Mundo.

“This will be a unique platform to offer young performers an opportunity to sing, dance, play live traditional music and also learn cooking Goan dishes,” Mario Fernandes, an volunteer said.

It will be fun for young and old alike, with no formal function, speeches, chief guest but an event to be held in the open. A number of games, including breaking of coconuts, housie with a difference will enliven the proceedings.

Wind blown instruments, which are part of our culture are under a threat of fading out due to dwindling interest among the younger generation in these instruments. But hopes of a revival are bright as some old maestros have sacrificed their time and energies in drawing some youth to the art. One of the maestros, Joao Carmino Braganza has painstakingly trained a few youngsters. Having picked up some skills under his tutelage, they will perform at this festival on wind instruments and drums. The occasion will serve to launch"THE GOAN YOUTH BRASS BAND" formed by the group.

Another highlight of the show will be singing of cantarams by new and young singers, who also include a few award-winning singers in tiatro competition, assisted by budding young musician, Ashley Fernandes and his Amigos.

Earlier on the festival eve on Saturday, a curtain raiser event, community kitchen will bring together under the guidance of Mrs.Juliet Fernandes ,from the Quitla waddo and her friends to pick up rudiments of cooking traditional Goan dishes. In a bid to inculcate a sense of importance of old practices and tradition, eco friendly materials, healthy foods and other customary facets of our culture will be on display."Sanna and Kanji or rice gruel will be served in coconut shells and food on banana leaves,” Fernandes said.

Another Volanteer Anselm Fernandes adds that "besides promoting community spirit the festival hopes to empower the young and old to safeguard our traditions for posterity and invest in our childern so future generations may reap the benefits".

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