1. Although the source of the "poem" by Nandkumar Kamat that was
posted to me was from the Goa Writers Group list, I extend my
apologies to the group and to the moderator, if it was not the
original source.

Apology accepted on behalf of Goa Writers group.


2. Although it is true that, despite several invitations from the
moderator which I have on file, I am not a member of the Goa Writers
Group (which is not any reflection on the group itself, but merely my
choice), it is also true that the moderator, Mr Pinto, has on quite a
few occasions forwarded me posts he thought might interest me from
this list, which, thanks to gmail's seemingly bottomless capacity, I
also have on file.

What invitations and perceived transgressions Miss Mascarenhas has on
file is of no concern to this issue. I clarified, as moderator, that
she was falsely involving Goa Writers in a controversy that was not
connected to us, and that she is not a member. She has admitted her
mistake. Period.


3. If the rules of the list are different for Mr Pinto than for other
members of Goa Writers, that is hardly my concern, but an internal
matter. Similarly, if privacy is an issue for the Goa Writers Group,
then it is one it will need to sort out internally among the group
members, and has nothing really to do with the subject matter of my
original post,

Exactly. The rules of the group and what privileges and discretionary
powers the moderators might have is of no concern to Miss Mascarenhas,
or GoaNetters, or anyone who is not a member of the Goa Writers group.
We do not need Miss Mascarenhas to tell us how to deal with our
matters. She should stick to her own business - whatever that is.



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