Pandu Lampiao wrote:
Very simple re.
Endia is a crooked (as in twisted) country, no, so are their ways....

Have you ever seen any initiative launched which is well planned,
smooth, logically thought-out?
Give you a simple example: in Mumboi where I live, they re-do a road,
looks nice and shiny, I roll in my Rolls...all fine. Few days later,
come the telephone guys, who dig the road to lay cables. Complete
mess, bumpy mess.

To figure Endia is not rocket science no re...its always been
godbod-gotala, all the time.

To clarify, here is what my pet Cockroach (who is putting in its
papers to migrate to Mississ*uga) found out (quote from the Desh
overseas commission):

Ø      This procedure of paying Renunciation Fee shall be applicable
to those who acquire -anadian citizenship on 1 June, 2010 or
thereafter. Those who acquired the foreign citizenship on 31 May, 2010
or earlier need not pay the Renunciation Fee. However, they must get
their -ndian Passport, whether already expired or not, duly cancelled.
For this, they can approach nearest -ndian Mission which will make
necessary entries in the records kept with us, cancel the passport and
return it to you after marking it “Cancelled” for your future
reference. A fee of C$20 is charged for this service.

Compare and contrast the above thinking to that of which Tanzania is offering 
to its citizens.
Here is today's article,

Dual citizenship 
Mkinga Mkinga 

The law to allow Tanzanians to hold dual citizenship should finally be enacted 
by the end of the year, Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation minister 
Bernard Membe said yesterday. 
Speaking in Dar e s Salaam at an International Organisation for Migration (IOM) 
meeting, Mr Membe said research conducted on the proposal had established that 
the new law would not harm the country. 

"The government is regretting locking out Tanzanians overseas during the 49 
years of our Independence, while some African countries have been granting dual 
citizenship to their people," Mr Membe said. 
Tanzanians living abroad will receive the news with jubilation, as they have 
for many years campaigned for the introduction of such a law to enable them to 
belong to both their host countries and their motherland. 

Many have complained that lack of such a law disadvantages them, as it denies 
them opportunities they could access if they were citizens of the countries 
where they work. 

Yesterday, Mr Membe explained that the issue had taken many years to conclude 
because the ministry did not wish to "rush such a sensitive issue". He added: 
"We decided to conduct a thorough research before introducing this law, which 
deals with the basic rights of a person." 

The research had enabled the government to establish that dual citizenship "is 
not bad, as some people were trying to depict it". 
The minister went on: "On the contrary, there will more benefits for the 
country and the individuals, if we to adopt the law to enable our fellow 
Tanzanians living abroad to market our country as well." 
During the research, it had been found that Tanzanian experts working abroad 
had been contributing immensely to their host countries. Therefore, he said, 
the enacting of the law would enable them to also assist their motherland 
without any hitch. 

Mr Membe said the ministry had already started to move to tap the great 
economic potential of the Tanzanians overseas. 
After receiving the report, the ministry established a special department to 
deal with the affairs of those in the Diaspora. 

"Everything regarding how to deal with the Tanzanians living abroad is almost 
ready. We need to fully utilise their skills and wealth to push forward our 
development agenda," he said. 
The Dual Citizenship Act, the minister added, would give those abroad the right 
to adopt the citizenship of their host countries while maintaining their 
Tanzanian nationality. 

Under the current law, a Tanzanian who adopts the citizenship of another 
country is automatically stripped of his nationality. 
Minister Membe said they had directed all the country's embassies and high 
commissions overseas to register all Tanzanians to enable the government to 
have full information and data on the nationals living abroad. 

Speaking to reporters at the meeting, which brought together experts from 
various ministries, embassies and some Tanzanian experts working in the UK, Mr 
Daniel Mwasandube, a quantity surveyor based in Britain, said many Tanzanians 
had opted to leave the country in search of better lives. 

He said most of them "are very patriotic but lack of supportive laws", such the 
one granting dual citizenship, has blocked them from serving their country 

"Many Tanzanians cannot land high paying jobs abroad, though they have the 
qualifications, simply because employers look for people who hold the passports 
of those countries," he said. 
In preparation for the introduction of dual citizenship, the Law Reform 
Commission was tasked to conduct a national study and gather the public's 

In 2006, the commission recommended amendments to the relevant laws so that 
Tanzanians can also enjoy dual citizenship. 
According to the 'Final Report on the Introduction of Dual Citizenship in 
Tanzania', the commission chaired by Judge Anthony Bahati, said the issue 
deserved "a positive and forwarding-looking consideration". 

The commissioners said it was high time Tanzania adopted dual citizenship 
because in a globalised world, the country could not develop without 
interaction with other nations. 
Dual citizenship, according to the commission, was desirable as it conferred 
benefits both to the country and nationals desiring to hold the citizenships of 
other countries. 

"A person with dual citizenship has greater flexibility in his choice of where 
to live and/or work," reads part of the report. 
But the members of the commission also recommended that national identity cards 
be issued first before adopting the system. 
Once it becomes law, Tanzanians will no longer have to renounce their 
citizenship, and the same will apply to foreigners wishing to take up Tanzanian 
citizenship, if their countries of origin allow that. 

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