Querobino Fernandes, Sir,
Hats off to you for your very visible post.

This particular sentence of you post makes all the difference.
We can go on and on, so to cut it short, lets wash our dirty linen at home
and not in Public....if we think our Ministers are tainted...lets go to Goa
and make a difference...at least our keyboards will have some rest.

See! I am connected to an outfit called the Goa Su-Raj Party, a party that wants to drive the "Delhi-Maharashtra-Nagpur" High Commands packing from the Goan soil. For instance, Churchill Alemao ( whatever he may be) is the elected member of the Government of Goa. People were and are free to elect anybody else in his place. Presently he is the PWD Minister incharge of all Roads/Bridges /water distribution etc. His word is the command. So, though, I would want him out, technically speaking, I have to go to him to highlight the nececities which I think are on priority basis. [The other day I went to him to tell him that the MOira bridge is in danger of falling as a result of wide cracks] He immediately ordered the concerned PWD Engineer to look into the matter and in a jiffy, right there when I was sitting in his office at the Secretariat.

We are in a wonderful country which is called the Biggest Democracy in the world. If we do not want Churchill Alemao, Mickky Pacheco, Babush Monserrate, Vishwajeet Rane et al, we should work our hackles and see that we promote someone else with a better system of governance to sit in their places. That they are using money and muscle power is not argument. The entire political system is going that way."You want to win, you need to unload" Otherwise, like we are propagating the system of 'no money-muscle power', the people of Goa must support this system and make it win over the other system which they are chronically disgusted.

Once again, not to discourage others, hats off to you for your sensibilities.


PS> This reply has not been re-scanned for errors. So pls excuse.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Querobino Fernandes" <qfer...@gmail.com>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa minister gate crash at San Joao event in Dubai

I am sure Ignatius, Agnelo, Arwin etc have their reasons for being so bitter
against the Ministers from Goa. They have a right to speak their
mind...However, this forum is a constructive forum and one is free to air
their views but one should not lower themselves to such an extent that they
have to abuse or call people names. After all, we are not in Goa and have
come to greener pastures of our own choice, as each of us has our own
reasons. But, by calling people names and defaming them in public can call
for a lot of unnecessary hassles. We must see the bottom line....These
Ministers are in their posts as They have been elected by the people in one
of the worlds largest democracy's. They have been elected time and
again...by whom? The people of Goa...the people who actually physically live
there. Most of us are abroad and only use our keyboards to condemn or
praise. By condemning the Ministers we are in fact condemning our fellow
Goan Brothers and sisters (the electorate) as they are the ones who have
elected the Ministers...They are the majority...if we want to make a
difference to our Goa, then we should go to Goa and do something about it
instead of sitting abroad and having a go at our keyboards. One can go and
stand for elections and IF elected can make a difference to Goa AND Goans. I am sure the same people that elect the current Ministers now and again will
elect some new faces provided the new faces are capable of delivering the
goods and are capable of taking all the flak!

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