Shri Antonio,
I thought that you posted names of chaps from the pre 61 period. I am surprised 
by your comment about pre 61 education when your school itself was established 
in 1912. Besides a post on GN is subject to query or debate. It is time to get 
real and stop being an infant - I am referring to your comments on the last 
line of your first para. 
Dear Mr. Colaco,

For one thing the report initiated by me was focusing on the aspect of the
Centenary of the School and remembering and honouring the great
personalities of the past; for another thing post '61, the school certainly
has not produced cynics and bitter frustrated people who crow and drool
about a regime which was shaken off from Goan soil like a flea off a dog!

Post '61 the school has produced people across the spectrum of vocations and
professions - priests, doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants, engineers,
but most of all educated citizens, who under the previous regime could not
have even dreamt of  acquiring, a learning.

Best wishes,

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