Some of my friends have been kind enough to personally point out that one of my postings on goanet gave the impression that I held certain type of jobs in contempt. I appreciate their honest feed back. I would like to clarify that I believe in dignity of labour and did not mean to condemn certain goans doing some menial jobs abroad to earn their living. My remarks were in the background of some derogatory remarks made against us back home by a couple of NRIs on goanet in the course of a discussion that ensued on the use of the term 'tarvoteachim bondolam' in a letter to a newspaper criticisng Chruchill Alemao. It is in that context that I expressed that I am proud to be struggling in my homeland Goa and not cleaning the toilets of europeans. I in no way hold that cleaning toilets is a lesser job but the comparison was used to drive home a point. In fact I have great respect for people doing jobs which are looked down upon by society. If we had the same in our home State we would not have hordes of migrants invading us. I myself do certain jobs which Goans look down upon.


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