*This was published in the Oheraldo. Its a nice little cartoon clip which
makes u giggle but think about it on a serious note.Very soon this will be a

*We talk of Global Warming, we talk of shortage in water supply, we talk
about the water table not conducive, we talk about so much damage to the
Unfortunately our Government, THE CURRENT and THE PAST have only plundered
and looted us and brought us to this state of affairs we are now in. Major
projects are being approved in the name of development , in the name of
employment, but please believe me they are approved at a cut or a commission
or a under the table deal to fill the so called ministers pocket. NO PROJECT
today goes through without a minister getting his percentage or the so
called CUT.Thats the very reason no  Public project completed stands the
test of time as the contractors reduce the standard of Quality on the
project to maximize their profits.
Lets talk of the recent drug deal or the nexus between the police and the
drug dealer and the so called Politician son's. The case is getting weaker
and weaker as the clock ticks by. How in the first place did the law , the
CID  put the Police officers behind bar for so long if there was no case or
evidence , this clearly needs a lot to justify ! What about the ticket
scam,what about the River Princess that has been marooned in the north? why
is it still there after so many years? How many years does it take to  Float
a tender.....
We need to realize that the past and the present Government HAS, IS and WILL
take us for a ride if we keep a blind eye. Lets wake up and not be treated
like puppets. Its high time we have the right qualified literate people on
board, people who at least have some values if not many to represent and to
work for the welfare of human kind.

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