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GOACAN to observe State Road Safety Week from 1st July
GOACAN will observe a State Road Safety Week from 1st July
to create an awareness among consumers on the importance of
Road Safety and Traffic Management, the urgent need to instill
traffic discipline and reduce accidents in Goa.

The death of 46 persons in road accidents in the 31days of
May is yet another reminder of the serious problem affecting
the State of Goa. The death of 19 riders and 11 pedestrians
further highlights the urgent need for consumers to get involved
in solutions.

The Week long program during this monsoon will promote the
formation of Road Safety & Traffic Management Committees
at the level of the Village Panchayat & Municipal Councils and
the submission of local Road Safety Plans prepared by the
Consumer Forums to the various agencies like Traffic Police,
Directorate of  Transport, PWD, RND & District Magistrate.

During the week Consumer Forums will promote the benefits
of  the Road Safety Patrol (RSP) and encourage its formation
in all High Schools in Goa as well as the benefits of the Traffic
Warden Scheme in co-ordination with the various Traffic
Police Cells.

The Consumer Forums will also promote village Gram Sabha
discussions on Road Engineering, the NHAI plans for highway
expansion, the importance of bus bays, zebra crossings, notified
bus stops, proper parking spaces, sub ways, speed breakers
and proper signages.

The Forum volunteers will disseminate the accident statistics,
examine the causes of the same and involve various stake
holders in finding solutions to reduce the fatalities.

GOACAN will also take the campaign for Road Safety &
Traffic Management to Educational Institutions, Mahila
Mandals, Self Helps Groups and NGO's working with the
disabled & senior citizens.

Proper knowledge of the rules of the road, safe driving practices,
importance of helmets & seat belts, dangers caused by the use
of  mobile phones & alcohol intake whilst driving, proper
maintenance & use of  vehicle lights and observance of speed
limits are some of the issues that will be highlighted by
Consumer Forum volunteers during this monsoon campaign.

GOACAN will pursue with the Public Works Department
(PWD) the need to set up a Road Engineering Cell (REC) as
well as develop suitable guidelines on the construction and
maintenance of safe roads for the Village Panchayats &
Municipal Councils.

GOACAN will highlight the need for Comfortable, Affordable
and Safe public transport which would include bus services
provided by Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. and private
operators so as to limit the use of personal vehicles for
commuting daily to reduce traffic congestion and accidents.

GOACAN will promote the use of the Traffic Police Complaint
Cards among senior citizens and Complaint Boxes of Consumer
Welfare Clubs (CWC) for student commuters in High Schools,
HSS and Colleges to report unsafe driving practices &
harassment in public transport vehicles.

During the campaign Forum volunteers will also interact with
the Chairpersons of the Regional Transport Authority (RTA),
District Magistrates as well as senior officers of the Traffic
Police and Directorate of Transport with consumer feedback
on Road Safety & Traffic Management.
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 187 Margao, Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mail: goa...@gmail.com Visit: http://goacan.blogspot.com

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