Battle? Pardon me Sa.
Its one sided written all over. The Japanese play a lot better
football than the Portuguese who played like they had a roast pigling
each for lunch!!!!!! I don't much care for Spain either but they
certainly are a class act.
My pet cockroaches can play a better game, if you don't mind me saying so.
Thank  Gwood, all the Portuguese flag-flying and screaming and blowing
horns will stop now, and they will go back to polishing shoes or their
construction jobs.

Next on the way home is Brazil, I hope. They are no longer entertaining.

I was hoping some of our brothers from Lusio world made it to the
finals: Mozambique (just missed) and Angola. That I would cheer for.
They have no pretensions, and play a honest game (no dropping every
few minutes).

Now for once I hope Ghana keeps their nerve and wins the thing!!! Its
time some outsider came by and did the number!


On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Antonio Menezes <> wrote:
> This evening Spaniards and the Portuguese  will battle for supremacy on a
> football field at Cape Town
> near the Cape of Good Hope.
> It would appear that Spain is in a stronger position  to win the battle but
> if the mythical giant Adamastor
> who ruled the stormy seas at the intersection of Atlantic and Indian oceans,
> deigns to smile upon his
> old enemies  i.e. the Portuguese sailors  of the 15th century then perhaps
> Portugal may sail through
> to the quarter final stage.

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