Ten years after it ran aground at Candolim beach, and after several broken 
promises and
failed removal attempts, the Attorney General of Goa tells the High Court that 
the tender  for removal of the ill fated ship, the River Princesswill be 
awarded soon. 

 Yeah !  How many times have we heard such lofty promises made with a great 
deal of bravado by various politicians  and bureaucrats ?  TEN years !!!  And 
the rusting hulk of the ship is still there, making removal all the more 
difficult  and all the more expensive because of  the deterioration that has 
set in over the decade. And who will foot the bill for the removal ?  The 
hapless taxpayers of Goa, while the owners go scot free ?  Why are the owners 
or charterers of the ship not being held accountable and responsible for its 
removal ?  Are they part of the coterie and nexus of politicians and mine 
owners who thumb their noses at the "aam aadmi"  (a.k.a.squealing pigs) of Goa ?

And if we are to take this AG at his word, when will the work commence ?  
Obviously not during the fury of the monsoons.  Perhaps at the commencement of 
the tourist season in October, so we have another sordid spectacle for tourists 
to stare at ?

Give me another shot of Feni so that I can go into a stupor of susegadness that 
we Goans are renowned for.

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