Frederick Noronha wrote after Colaco  < jc> <> wrote:
> Bernice is making the same valid point that Rajan
> Parrikar has been making.
> i.e. With the existing laws ......
> [1] Prosecute those who squat on property not theirs
> [2] Prosecute those who filthy up the place

"I was returning with a Goanetter from Chorao island last evening, and
we were waiting for the ferry to take us over to the Pomburpa end.

"Thank goodness JoeGoaUk or Rajan Parrikar isn't around," the
Goanetter said, as he re-zipped his fly!

It took me a second or two to comprehend what the heck he was talking
about. By then the ferry had arrived, so we hurriedly got ready for
the ride. FN"

May I ask you FN -

1) Did you not have no shame to witness the exposure of the said
goanetter to the elements, and for all we know, to a full ferry-load
of people from Chorao, thereby offending their delicate sensibilities?

2) Could you not have effected a 'citizen's arrest' and nabbed the
culprit and brought him (I presume it was a him, as I believe that the
hers in Goa have not yet reached that stage of degeneration whereby
they do no.1 and no.2 in full view of a full ferry-load of people) to
book at a police station?

3) If you were too frightened to effect a 'citizen's arrest' could you
not at least have led the said offender to the nearest rest-room where
he  (I presume it was a him) could have relieved himself without
offending against the law?

4) Do you not feel any shame in encouraging this sort of activity from
a goanetter, a Goan goanetter I presume, and not a ghatti one like
Vhidyadhar Ghadgil, and thus encouraging actual ghattis to perform
even worse desecrations upon the soil of Goa, our beautiful golden

5) Do you not feel that you owe an APOLOGY to all Goans for such
pro-ghatti activity as allowing goanetters to unzip their flies in
full view of nubile Goan virgins?

Kindly answer my questions immediately, or else I expect you, Admin
Noronha, to forthwith submit your resignation from the moderatorship
of goanet.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E or
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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