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From: roger dsouza <rdsg2...@gmail.com>
Date: 6 July 2010 10:54

Look at this shameless Builder Aboobak Shaikh alias Babloo accusing
the villagers of Cansaulim of lying and being malicious. Using the
backing of that corrupt politician Mauvin Godinho and some of the
Panchayat members he went about securing permissions from the TCP on
the basis of false plans. He now conveniently says that he was not
advised on the “procedural requirements” by the Panchayat and is
targeting the villagers of Cansaulim instead.

Aboobakr Shaikh is the builder constructing this Gonsalves-Dias Gates
project consisting of 66 flats in Cottar Vaddo.  The approach road to
this mega-housing project starts near the ancestral home of Fr.
Randall Barretto (Pilar Society) and is a very narrow one at some
places barely two metres wide at some stretches and  leads to a
dead-end at St Thomas Cansaulim Church. How would this meagre road
support the traffic flow from 66 additional flats where in the
vicinity today hardly a handful of households have vehicles? Moreover
he has blocked the traditional access that the villagers had through
the property to go about their daily lives like accessing the Market,
Railway, Bus stop, etc.

Aboobakr Shaikh has gone about intimidating, threatening and abusing
the villagers including Fr. Randall Barretto who hails from the
village when he questioned him as to how he was cutting the coconut
trees in Fr. Barretto’s family property soon after Mauvin Godinho
declared at a public meeting that he would not tolerate anyone
standing against the “development” that his friend Aboobakr Shaikh has
planned for the village. He continues to threaten to finish of the
villagers of Cansaulim who are standing up to his bullying tactics and
money power, including an elderly man InacXavier whose traditional
access to his home had been blocked.  In fact the villagers of
Cansaulim have always been using these traditional paths for

Aboobakr Shaikh had numerous illegalities in his plans for this
mega-housing project. The TCP has now woken up after the Gram Sabha
and the Cansaulkars have questioned this. If the Panchayat is not
willing to act and revoke the licence then the Directorate of
Panchayats needs to intervene and dissolve it.  With the blessings of
Mauvin Godinho and some corrupt Panchayat members Aboobakr Shaikh has
set about to destroy Cansaulim.

Cansaulkars need all the support to save their village from the likes
of Aboobakr Shaikh.

Read the following report from today’s Times of India.

Cansaulim builder blames VP for project faults
TNN, Jul 6, 2010, 05.02am IST

MARGAO: The builder of a mega project at Cansaulim, Babloo Shaikh,
while refuting all charges of irregularities in the project, has now
accused the Cansaulim-Arossim-Cuelim panchayat of failing to inform
him of the procedural requirements that has now led to a controversy.

Speaking to TOI, Shaikh said that there were no illegalities in the
project and all complaints by certain villagers were "false and

TOI had recently reported how the panchayat had failed to issue stop
work order to the project despite instructions in that regard by the
town and country planning department (TCP).

The TCP, in its letter to the panchayat dated May 6 had pointed out
that the traditional access passing through the property was not shown
in the plan and that no approval was taken from the water resources
department for the construction of a well by the builder. As per TCP’s
directions, the panchayat asked the builder to submit a revised plan
within a month.

Refuting the charges, Shaikh maintained that he has not blocked any
traditional access and that all the residents in the vicinity have
access to their houses through properly tarred roads. "As regards the
construction of the well, it was clearly shown in the site plan that
was submitted to the panchayat and the TCP. If at all I was required
to obtain the approval of the water resources department (WRD), the
panchayat should have told me to do so before issuing the construction
license. Nevertheless, I have applied for the approval with the WRD in
March and they are yet to process the application," Shaikh said.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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