Hi Leandro Pereira,

Thanks for the appraisal and yes about your question ( wife cheating on her 
husband ) well! I will check in my log book if there is any matter relating to 
this subject and send it across to you. Till than I suggest " if the wife is 
cheating on her husband than the husband should do the vice versa " this is the 
21st century right, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander too.

Have a nice day.

Gina Ferns


From: Olton Leandro Pereira <olp...@maerskcrew.com>
To: fgina <fg...@rocketmail.com>
Sent: Tue, 6 July, 2010 10:56:36 PM
Subject: Re: Self Appraisal [Our Ref:EXA12788]

Good one !!

Is there a way to find out if the wife is cheating on her husband ??

Have a nice day.

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