Gabe Menezes wrote;

COMMENT: Likewise Glen Furtado and Loreen/Oscar d'Silva will not go home
empty handed!

Spain moved up two gears last night to beat Germany; Barcelona style
football and the winning Goal scored by a Barcelona player. The bookies have
creamed off! the favourites Spain could yet cost them a few bob - Have a
nice weekend everybody and enjoy the semis and the finals. Muggy day today
here in London.


500+ Goans from Tanzania will gather for the annual picnic on 11th July here in 
Toronto and we get to watch the finals at the same time.

Sunday promises to be sunny and a moderate 28 degrees.

I cannot think of anything better than to watch the World Cup finals on a 
pleasant Sunday afternoon, with a few hundred of your friends and with nothing 
else to think about other than: Should we break out the chilled Heineken's or 
the San Miguel's in celebration?


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