Cordially invites you to a talk and discussion on

Goa's global broker potential: 

Connecting India to the Portuguese-speaking world
Dr.  Constantino Xavier  
Xavier Centre of Historical Research

Alto Porvorim

Monday, 12  July 2010

5. 30 pm


Tel: 2417772 ;  2414971



With India's gradual reopening to the world there is an increasing space for 
the emergence of specialized "niche diplomacies" and regional initiatives 
beyond New Delhi. Goa, in particular, can play a crucial role in facilitating 
India's burgeoning economic, political and cultural relations with the 
Community of Portuguese-speaking countries (CPLP) and the lusophone world. In 
line with Beijing's efforts to leverage Macau's potential, New Delhi could 
develop Goa into a strategic hub to foster relations with the emerging "Global 
South" and, in particular, with Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Macau, or 
East Timor. This talk identifies Goa's specific advantages in this regard, as 
well as concrete suggestions on how to transform this potential into influence 
and global brokerage capacity.


Dr. Constantino Xavier (Portugal) is a Fulbright-sponsored Ph.D. candidate in 
South Asian Studies at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns 
Hopkins University, in Washington DC. From 2004 to 2008 he lived in New Delhi, 
where he got his M.A. and M.Phil. in International Politics from Jawaharlal 
Nehru University and worked as a press adviser at the Embassy of Portugal. In 
Lisbon, he taught Comparative Politics at the New University and coordinated a 
research project on Asia at the Portuguese Institute of International 
Relations. Constantino is currently a visiting fellow at the Institute for 
Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, where he is researcher on India's 
Africa policy. Contact: cherm...@jhu.edu www.twitter.com/constantinox

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