This is the story of an Iranian widow (and mother of two children)
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani who was convicted of adultery for having
sex with two different men following the death of her husband. She was
convicted of adultery, despite having retracted a confession which she
claims was made under duress.

Human Rights Watch is keenly interested in this case, as this woman
has been sentenced to death by stoning:

Now, I know that some High-Risk "officer of the court" will jump up
and down and remind us that .....that is the law.

Some years ago (Gabe Menezes, please take note), High Risk advised us
(me included) that the law of the land aka Goa was that ALL a  'Person
accused of molesting a child' had to do, was to prove that he did not
do it. He did (correctly) direct us to the s 32 of the Goa Children's
Act 2003

This means that IF High Risk (or anyone else) has an altercation with
me or a priest (for that matter, ALL he has to do is plaster all over
GoaNet and to the police .... that we, alone or together, molested a
child at a time when (say) the priest was celebrating Mass (church was
full) and I (say) was a server at the Mass. This complaint could be 9
months after the alleged (implausible) incident.

And IF the implausibility was pointed out to High Risk ....his next
move would be to conduct a Trial by Media.....suggesting (perhaps)
that the priest or I (or any among us) was capable of doing this
because (say) we had a (let's assume) consensual affair with a woman
whose husband was away on board the ship. (Not that these things are
common in Goa !) ......

Let's hope NO one turns round and uses the same s 32 of the Goa
Children's Act 2003 to accuse High Risk of molestation or even Neglect
of Minor children.

On another note .... I have an academic interest in the Mickey Pacheco
case. It is my personal belief that Mickey is a no good, philandering,
con artists (iow a typical Goan politician). Even so, it would be
interesting to know the basis for his incarceration before trial.)

I will certainly contact HRW when all the facts of the case are known.

For, today ......High Risk is after the Newtons, Fionas and Mickys of
this world. Tomorrow ....he could be after us.


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