This is in response to Message No: 3, dated: Sun, 11 Jul 2010, From: "Rajan
P. Parrikar" on above subject. 

Rajan wrote: 

Now let me try again….If Manohar Parrikar were taken into police custody on
a specific charge with a pending court case, AND whoever the sitting CM was
thought it okay to call on him armed with a box of barfi and a bag of Cafe
Central samosas, that would be a matter of grave concern…….Regards, r.

My response:

As per unwritten and practiced policy, "Barfi and Café Central’s Samosas"
are not allowed to be served in police custody except Biryani and that too
only by Congress CM!  

As per official guidelines, persons in police custody must be served the
food provided by government authority (as a precautionary measure against
possible poisoning through outside food). 

To serve outside food in police custody prior permission from the specified
authority(ies) must be taken. And Digu being Congress CM the required
permission(s) for serving Biryani to Mick must have dashed the concerned
police station much before Digu could arrive with Biryani for Micky. 

Secondly, what's wrong in Digu personally serving Biryani to Micky even on
daily basis? After all they are thick friends! By serving Biryani Digu has
kept up to the famous saying "friend in need is a friend indeed". In this
case Biryani is to viewed as  (for time being forget that public prosecutor
had raised concern over Micky spending over 40 lakhs on his friend Nadia's
treatment. Extending "Helping a friend in need of money" was taken up by
public prosecutor as grave concern only to please and or fulfill
intensions/hidden agenda of prosecutor's master(s))    

But what is more important in this news is "Did Micky enjoyed eating Biryani
served to him by Mr. CM - his close friend". 

So Rajan would you still keep trying again - the third time! 

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

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