Our national emblem has engraved Satye Mavye Jayathae, but everyone seems to be 
hiding,manipulating,suppressing or burying the truth! This is openly done when 
Minutes are wrongly recorded and as evident in the ruckus at the recent 
Benaulim Gramsabha over Affidavit on Garbage, a serious problem all over Goa. 
Personal example: when I alleged, inter alia,that the  Consumer Protection 
Council meetings are not held and conducted as per the Act. The learned 
Advocate General affidavit simply stated that everything was being done 
correctly now. That effectively buried the matter. No censure or punishment 
whatsoever. That is the main problem! What is worse ,when I  brought up the 
matter at a hurriedly called  Council Meeting,no discussion as the matter was 
sub-judice, and even later, they hide under the Court had decided, and now all 
my allegations are out of bounds for information/discussion or clarification. 
Which citizen can waste his time and money
 duelling with government in Court?Democracy requires making truth powerful and 
power truthful! Rule of law and not making the law an ass.
We all seem to go round in circles. Going to jail is not a picnic? Human rights 
does not mean "biryani" and perks in jail, so in general, criminals would 
rather be looked after in jail than not steal etc,work hard to make a living 
and be a law abiding citizen.Correctional Institutes and human rights are much 
debated and some jails abroad are like five star correctional places, monitored 
by psychologists and human after his statement,like the NCP waiting in the 
wings to subvert the law for their colleague, perhaps the Assembly will decide 
his statement  must now nullify/modify further police procedures.Legislators 
make laws and they generally in India, do not apply to them!  The Karnataka 
Assembly has Legislators not adjourning and sleeping overnight in the Assembly 
to force the government to act against illegal mining! The rise of corruption 
is inversely proportional to good governance.There is a growing trust deficit 
between the government and the
 people! Maoists,Naxalites,stone pelting,Bundhs,violence and terror.
Like Remo says India I cry for you! Look at  disintegrating River Princess, 
Police-politicians-Drugs nexus investigation , the police Bill to become 
law,the bleeding land and it's hardpressed  citizens.
Goa we weep for you?

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