Never Say Good Bye

Never say Good Bye
(at least not in public)
Who knows? 
You may wish to come back one day but
It may hold you back for you have once announced your exit in public
It’s OK for some dirty politicians
e.g. Churchill in 2007 bashing Congress so badly that 
no one thought he would rejoin Congress in 2008
I being a owner of a small yahoo group of about 1500 members
I think I know what I am talking.
Most groups or mailing lists are free.
One can join and quit as his or her wishes
One can join and re-join as per his wishes
One can join and leave then rejoin and leave and rejoin…
It’s a fact
People or members sometimes get angry or upset for
- Too many mails/posts in their inboxes
- Using foul language by some posters
- Hurting Religious sentiments
- Some one question or correct your own post
- Not approving your own post by the moderator/s
-  Some boring posts
- Post from the some persons like JoeGoaUk
Etc etc
If you don’t like it for any reasons, just quit silently
I have seen some people on goanet
Who say ‘ I am out of here’
But next you see them back saying ‘I am here by public demand’
I know one person who publicly quit (and rejoined) twice 
His third coming could be in anytime.
Some say in public ‘I had enough, I quit’
But technically, they are always around.
Perhaps, they want to come back but how could they?
And hence take my advice
Never say goodbye
Never expect some one to call you back
(because you thought you have contributed enough and 
hence very popular)
No, we Goans never do that.
Ask me, I  know it all

Sometimes, I get requests from members saying
‘Can you please unsubscribe me?’
(As if he/she was invited to join or as if the owners added their names)
Members should be able to unsubscribe the group/mailing list the 
same way they subscribed  it.  

Never ask the owners to do it for you 
(unless you did not joined the group/list  yourself)
One new member kept sending some unrelated posts
Seeing that none of it approved, he sent reminder after reminder asking 
why ?  When  it was explained – His next mail was his order (not request) 
to unsubscribe him 
(as if he didn’t know how to do it himself).
In another case, a very long time  member (about 8 years), 
suddenly requested me to unsubscribe him (I know this is due 
to disagreements with some one bashing priests ets) which I did as 
I remember inviting him to join in the beginning.  
Few weeks later, I saw him re-joining the group of his own.
See, people are free to join and free to leave and free to re-join etc.
Never say goodbye
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehena
Chalte Chalte
Mere Yeh Geet Yaad Rakhna 
Kabhi Alvida Na Kahena
1976 film 

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