Excerpts from an interview with Himanshu Kumar-

"In 1988, Gandhian activist and former MP, the late Nirmala Deshpande, my
father, and I visited Dantewada, and toured the villages there for 15 days.
We found this area to be one of the most neglected in the country, and I
felt this is where our work is most required. Also, since a violent movement
was taking root here, we thought, why not work here and really test the
strength of nonviolence. So we decided to live with the people in the
villages, as Gandhi had said, and help address the people’s issues by
nonviolent means. "

"Atrocities by the forest department and the police, cheating and extortion
by the revenue officials. The government does not have a single welfare
scheme there till date, and the police are the only face of Indian democracy
that these people have seen."

"As a follower of Gandhi, truth and nonviolence form the foundation of my
value system. With regard to what is happening in Dantewada today, my
approach would be to understand it and get to know the truth about why this
violence is taking place."
"The state has managed to ensure that the cases never come up for hearing.
They keep on taking adjournment after adjournment. That’s my question: why
should the state fear the truth?"
*"Not one. Till date, I have not been able to get justice from our system
for even a single adivasi. I have spent all these years, telling the
adivasis, come, come to us, we will get you justice through democratic
means, but I am not able to get them justice. And when the adivasis, with
the help of the Maoists, manage to avenge the deaths of their kith and kin,
they feel that Maoists have got them justice rather efficiently, while these
so-called Gandhians and believers in democracy have not been able to give
them anything from the system."
*"Gandhi believed in two basic principles: one, nobody should endure
injustice. Two, we should not remain silent when we see injustice being done
to others. So Gandhi would definitely have spoken out. The British at least
tolerated Gandhi. But today’s regime, which does not tolerate dissent at all
— I was hounded out of Chhattisgarh for speaking out — would have sent him
to jail. If Gandhi was alive today, he’d be in a jail in Dantewada, he’d be
with the adivasis."


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