"Beware of Red Independents, says Church"

I thought members on this list would find the enclosed interesting.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Author: VR Jayaraj
Publication: The New York Times
Date: July 19, 2010

The Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC), the umbrella body of all
Catholic dioceses in the State, gave a clear but indirect call to the
believers on Sunday to vote against the communists in the local bodies
elections to be held in September. Kerala Finance Minister TM Thomas Isaac,
a CPI(M) central committee member, responded sharply, saying elections
should not be made referendums on faith.

A pastoral letter issued by the council and read out in the churches in the
State during Sunday Mass, asked the believers to take extra care while
voting for Independent candidates propped up by political parties. 
The letter asked the faithful to ensure that the Independents they chose to
vote were not fielded by parties with the atheistic ideology.

The Kerala Latin Catholic Association took out a demonstration in Kochi
protesting against the pastoral letter, which it termed as "letter of
idiocy". A release issued by the KLCA asked the faithful to "recognise the
hypocrisy of the prelates who had expelled Christ from the altars by
politicising them". The association alleged that such pastoral letters were
part of a bid to sabotage the democratic system of the country.

Stating that Christians should intervene in politics keeping society welfare
in mind, the KCBC pastoral letter said the faithful should vote only for
those who stood for democracy and religious tolerance.

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