--- On Sat, 7/24/10, Frederick Noronha <f...@goa-india.org> wrote:
> We have also seen another doctor, Santosh, take off
> persistently on persons like Nascy or earlier on Fr Ivo, in
> trying to prove them wrong. Differences in views can stem
> from legitimate differences in perspective, so why rub it
> in? Best perhaps just to state the point and leave it at
> that.

All differences in views are not out of differences in perspective. Actually, 
most are due to ignorance and erroneous information. I try to tackle the latter 
kinds of views, and show why they are wrong, if they are, by providing facts 
and evidence that back me up. Indeed, the belief that differences in views are 
simply because of differences in perspective is a demonstrably false and 
especially dangerous notion in the internet age, with so much factual 
misinformation being spread by bloggers, activists and charlatans. I wish there 
were more journalists who recognized this fact.

> I don't agree with Nascy's style of expressing his views,
> but he does seem to have some point here.

I am dismayed to learn that Admin Noronha only disagrees with Nascy's style, 
not his views. But I guess he has finally let the cat out of the bag.

So does this mean that Noronha agrees with Nascy that Indian culture is 
inferior to all other cultures of the world? And that such a belief still means 
that Nascy is not judging Indian culture, but on the contrary, has great 
respect for it?

Please correct me if I am wrong. And for once, state clearly what you believe 
and why.

Regarding the beef ban, I believe it is wrong to impose any kind of bans of 
innocuous practices at public events, including idol and animal worship.
But unfortunately all democratic countries resort to such madness, like the ban 
of specific types of clothing accessories in several European countries and 
bans against some movies in Australia. Of course, Nascy will have no courage or 
conviction to say anything against the latter bans.



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