Here are the Views from Different People who participated in the
awareness campaign I moderated to demand apology from the Times of
India Cartoon "The Lost Supper" on Page 18 of July 25. Hope it will be
useful for you to go through.

Allwyn Fernandes: I received several messages today on last night's
post on the Lost Supper. All except one felt we should not over-react,
rather that we should be happy that the Common Man represented Christ
in a world of politicians huffing and puffing and nothing nothing in
whose name they claimed to speak.

Noella Gama to Allwyn: How correctly the 'Table of Hope' that you have
depicts Jesus and the Heart of God. We Catholics need to sure change
our mindset from the religious attitude allows for 'hurt sentiments'.
  If Jesus had to be bothered about his sentiments when he went to the
Cross you and I would not know or receive salvation. We just need to
go about reaching out to the lost.

Therese Almeida to Allwyn: Thank you for giving people the right
perspective. In today's world everything gets distorted and sensible
people react in a stupid way. Regards and continue saying it like it

Virginia to Allwyn: One of my parishioners - similar in mindset to
Ancy jumped up also to write to various leaders in Maharashtra and the
TOI about the cartoon. I wanted to write to you, but since you were
silent on the issue, I thought it best to keep quiet (I was
travelling). He forwarded it to me and I berated him for taking up any
and every thing he saw to be an "issue".  I think there are legion of
these men who are in retirement and do not know what to do with
themselves and from their limited knowledge think they are doing a
great service to the Church by taking up issues like these. I pointed
out that the cartoon uses the scene of a Christian painting to depict
an issue in the country, so it is not desecrating the faith.  On the
contrary, as you point out, Jesus is probably happy that they use a
truth that he left us with to show that people are going without food
in the country, while the so called leaders are looking on, blind to
the problem. In fact I see that theological knowledge is so necessary
for the lay person so that they can really shout about issues that
Jesus would want us to shout about.

Denzil Rego to Dolphy (BCS): why do we pick up the non-consequential
issues? this is pure jingo-ism the pic was very apt to the political
situation today by doing this we are only playing into the hands
acolytes of the powers that be

Albert DeSouza to Iona Saldanha: Iona, Mr.Allwyn Fernandes  refuses to
see the point that The Last Supper is not something to be trifled with
or trivialised. It is a solemn and sacred event for the average
Catholioc/Christian.The first impression that I got was that the
artist was trying to have some fun at the expense of the Christian. He
would not dare to do it with any other community particularly those
who are aggressive and known for their militancy. Catholics are a
peace loving people and so an easy target. But there are limits to our
patience and this was something I least of all expected with a
responsible newspaper like The Times of India. I have not seen the
painting or picture that he has at home and can  not comment on its
correctness. Also if others endorse this sort of humour it does not
mean that it is alright. The cartoon is certainly in bad taste and
most Christians and even non Christians will agree. Of course
Mr.Allwyn Fernandes is entitled to his views. I sent a letter to The
TOI  on Sunday itself protesting  against the cartoon. Regards Albert

Below are Some of the comments people sent to Ancy S DSouza, Paladka

Sarita D'Souza: Cannot believe that TOI could stoop so low and publish
this. Every christian should agitate and raise their voice against
this. Don't expect them to sacrifice their lives like the Apostles
instead they will expect you to sacrifice your life for them. and
there is no need to give a rope to RK Laxman as it is he is suffering
in the hospital and awaiting death. But I doubt if this is his cartoon
?????  Every Catholic should ban TOI and stop buying this newspaper.
Demand for Apology is right.

Jessie Monteiro: Just because Christians are peace loving and keeping
quiet the person has gone ahead to print this.. instead of this what
if some one had to print something about Hindu's or Muslims they would
hv kept quiet??? I feel every Christian should stop reading TOI. every
drunkard in a movie is a Christian as if others dont drink... and
every bad scene act to do they find only Christian names .. really
sick minded people...

Dolphy DSouza (BCS): The Bombay Catholic Sabha [BCS] were shocked to
see the ridiculing of the Last Supper scene in article entitled "Lost
Supper" on the
rising food prices etc in the Times of India on Page 18 of July 25.
This depiction is not in good taste as it hurts the sentiments of
Christians for whom this scene is of much value, significance and
respect, and hence cannot be used in satire as you have published. It
would be pertinent to observe that you would not dare ever pick up an
incident from any other religion for similar reasons.

Edward D'Mello: Had Times of India done a similar thing on Muslims,
the paper would've been in deep sh*t. Remember the Danish newspaper
which dared to do so and received a fatwa. This is not R. K. Laxman's
style of drawing. Unfortunately, the last I heard, Laxman was in a bad
condition in the hospital battling diabetes and kidney stones. As a
result, he is drawing very little. Also, R. K. Laxman hardly draws in
colo...ur. Someone has used the Common Man caricature and juxtaposed
on another drawing. It is a clever computer-generated graphic.

Jovin Rodrigues: Ancy, here we can recall to our mind " Danish
Cartoon". The whole muslim world protest against the cartoon and in
Gulf countires upto the apology the Government cut ties with Danish
government and even they pulled out All Danish products fo......r the
shelves. Everyone has love for their own religion and its a grave sin
to hurt the religious sentiments of any religion. The only reason to
do all these is to spoil the religious Peace of mind and to make
people fight with one another. The Government has to close down such
newspapers, which publicly take oportunity to attack on religious

Atef Shaker:  it is no good to abuse and misuse religions to express
your failure plotics in your country - God will punish you for this .
Don't make like this

John Cardoza: This is ultimate abuse to our religion. This doesn't
matter who has drawn, the only thing matters here is abuse to
christian religion. There are many people behind approving any matter
before it is finally printed. We should all protest against this news
paper and the paper should apologize for the same. We should all stand
unite and fight so that such nonsense will not happen again and no one
dare to abuse any religion.

Jovin Rodrigues: This is totally unacceptable Cartoon. We can clearly
say that its a attack on Catholic faith and to hurt the religious
sentiments. I wish our HINDU AND MUSLIM brothers and sisters also
voice out with us in our protest against religious insults and
attacks.. Today they attacking us and tomorrow they may dare to attack
another religion. I can boldly say that, its not the... individuals,
but the POLITICAL groups are behind this master plans in most cases
and it will effect the religious peace among our neighbors. Our indian
society is good and everyone has respect for other religions. But the
politics will make clash among religious groups for their own benifit.
So Lets all unite together regardless religion and fight against these
groups. Lets show that we know how to unite for a valid reasons.

Austin Prabhu, Chicago: Keeping humor apart, this is a huge blow to
Christians who believes in Christ and Last Supper. TOI shouldn't have
published this. May be they too have too many Bajarangis working for
them. All true Christians should protest this cartoon which is
hammering our religion.

Jossie Moras 'Joseph', Vocal Coach, Dubai: I really can't understand
what these individuals get by hurting the religious sentiments of
people.... The actual reason behind this I think the cartoonist will
get publicity at the cost of Christians tolerence.

Jerry Rasquinha: Well..the Romans tried to subjugate Christianity and
Rome was overtaken by Christianity. For Christianity has flourished
most in places where it was targeted. This is history..and the history
repeats! But since it was done by R.K. Laxman..i am a bit annoyed. I
have great respect for him. I still have being a Christian.

Fr. Joseph Vas SVD, Indore: surely there is some propriety. all cannot
be used a joke. usually Laxman is a very gentle person how could he
have made such mistake? as TOI has tendered an apology we must respect
them not to do it again. just agitating is not sufficient we
to train ourselves and train the people with whom we interact to give
a possitive picture of the whole Christian belife.

Richard Reg: It's bull. respect for human sentiments is far away from
Times of India as is East from West. Good that they realised the
immense displeasure of the community (never mind the bogus apology).

Avereliya D'souza Chauhan, Pune:  It was very easy for TOI to
apolozise... they claim that they respect communities..If that is the
thing, why they print these kind of things for our religion alone? I
wonder how editor doesn't use his brains before going ahead with
printing... If TOI had to published this kind of cartoon hurting other
religions, their office would have beenbroken by this time..

Archbishop Felix Anthony Machado: Dear Mr D'Souza, I congratulate you
for your boldness and courage to stand up and call spade a spade!
Thank you for sending me the copy of your protest letter to the Times
of India. I fully endorse your letter and join with you to express my
sentiments of indignation. I am also deeply hurt by seeing the mockery
made of the religion of over a billion people in the world. It is a
very poor taste and it only manifests ignorance of those who did it. I
place on record my denunciation of such publication in a newspaper
like Times of India. Yours sincerely, Archbishop Felix Machado

Garry Anil Miranda : For Too Long we Catholics in India have been at
the receiving end of too many in this country.....because we are
meek....if this was portrayed for any other religion it could lead to
riots.....but its Catholics at the receiving its ok! think
the majority....Its Time we raise our voices in Protest.....

Claude Fernandes: The editor has stooped very low by doing this
without giving it a serious thought. He must have thought that this is
a very creative idea of attracting the attention of maximum no. of
readers. It's a pity that India has some leaders with a similar mind
frame whose creativity level is on the zero level.

Goa Konklish: 1. Demand Apology from The Times of India for not being
sensitive towards other minorities in India such as Christians; 2.
This is a Blasphemy on the teaching of Christ 'Last Supper'; 3. Insult
towards the Christian World; 4. Boycott The T...imes of India =>
Nobody reads, buy, advertize - just trash it; Share and make awar of
this news to all over the FB; 5. The Times of India, Mr. Chowdury and
Mr. DMelo are the enemies of Christ and Christians around the world.
PRAYER: Father forgive them, they don't know what they do!
We all are standing together for this fight! Discrimination, Racism
and Insults by Ignorant Writers and Publishers such as Times of India
- Our Constition dooes NOT condone thiese folks! There is no such
orgainiztion in India who should penalize for such crimes against
minorities. I need better glasses to see their apology with Big

For the article please click

Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt III
Vasai Road East
Thane Dist - 401 210
Tel: 0250-2390225
Cell: 9320733213, 9028980000

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