re:  The article itself is too long for posting on GN.

 Frederick Noronha wrote: >Since when has length (of on-topic posts)
been an issue on Goanet?

As the article in question raises so many contentious assumptions,
which have a lot to do with our understanding of today and yesterday's
Goa, I woud personally really appreciate if you shared the article on
Goanet and initiated a discussion. I promise to participate too.


Even though this very same article was rejected by GN (for being "too
long") on March 31, 2006, in response to the above, I am re-sending it
herewith. Criticism is always welcome.

Communal Riots break Out in Goa
March 26, 2006

As expected, communal riots broke out in Goa; NOT between Goan Hindus
and the folks, the communal among the Goan Hindus love to Hate i.e.
the Goan Catholics, BUT between Hindus and Muslims.

Decades of discriminatory and anti-Catholic actions by successive post
1961 Goa Governments (especially the MGP and BJP ones) resulted in
Goan Catholics to leaving Goa - many, for good.  As the Goan Catholics
started to exit in droves, their homes (esp in South Goa) remained
empty. The resultant vacuum enabled squatters to virtually stroll in.

While, the Goan Hindu communalists (BJP/MGP) were busy perpetrating
their anti-Catholic ethnic cleansing communal agenda, Muslims from the
surrounding hills and from afar, quietly moved in.  These new
immigrants neither have the bond nor the village ties that have
existed for centuries & still continue to exist among native Goans, be
they of Hindu, Christian, Muslim or other backgrounds.

A tradition of mutual understanding and tolerance developed between
Goan Hindus, Catholics and Muslims during the second half of the
Portuguese rule of Goa. No such culture of mutual understanding or
tolerance exists among the violent new entrants. It is a race to grab
land, home or whatever they can lay their hands on. Those who come
from a background of scarcity and dacoity, are unlikely to understand
the desire of Goans to continue their traditionally tolerant and
peaceful existence. The thugs come from a culture where the more
violent and aggressive dog was destined to get the bone.

This aggression on the part of the new entrants, and build up of
frustration among the hitherto patient Goemcars has been developing at
an increasing pace over the past decade. It was like a time bomb
waiting to explode.

As predicted, the communal riots erupted. And ...there is more to
come. Take a good look, Goans, at  Margao and Navelim in South Goa!

As the saying goes: you ain't seen nuttin yet!

The culture of zhalacch pahije and dadagiri which was perpetrated by
the Bandodkar MGP took a heightened dimension during the recent rule
of the Parrikar BJP.  The Parrikar BJP must ask itself if did or did
not, actively or passively further a culture of violent disorder,
vandalism and politically motivated attacks on non-violent Goans.

Did Parrikar BJP flex or did it not flex  official muscle against
those who peacefully opposed the policies of the Goa BJP?.  If it did,
would the BJP say that it was a democratic or 'liberated' way of
handling peaceful opposition?

Throughout all this, the former Chief Minister Parrikar appeared to
play the fiddle (like Nero) in public, while reportedly packing the
police force with cronies and saffron sympathisers. All that these
police chaps famously are reported to have done  is "look the other
way" while the vandalistas went on their rampage.

Wonder how good the vandalistas are feeling now about their rampage.
Wonder how good Parrikar is feeling now about  the vandalism that was
condoned during his tenure as Chief Minister.

The so called Goa Press? Well, the less we say about the lackeys in
the Goa Press, the better. They have been silent and self serving
facilitators of this chaos by their very convenient fence sitting
excuse for journalism.

There were a few Goa journalists who stood out in exception to these
GLC (Government Lackey Corps) and dared to be different -. TGF
recognises their immeasurable worth to Goa and Goans. They are the
reason for hope in the future.  A vibrant press always keeps a
Government in check, especially when a no-good Opposition is in a sham

What did the Goa Catholic Church do whilst this virulent anti-Catholic
scenario was unfolding over the past few decades?  Nothing more than
leave the faithful and the regularly vandalised churches to the mercy
of the violent elements.

Thank you, Goa Catholic Church. Thank You for nothing! TGF expects no
real change from the Goa Catholic Church. The pomp and ceremony will
continue and the lost souls will remain lost. It is almost as though
the life of Christ was about pomp and ceremony.

Successive Goa governments have sat impotently while the Indian Navy
took away Dabolim and Anjediva; and yet, the same defense needs of the
country could have been realised with a little tact, consultation and

Successive Goa governments have sat impotently while major hotel
chains have destroyed the Goan environment and stripped Goa of her
resources.; and yet, the tourism goals of the State and the financial
goals of the investors could have been met just as well, with a little
more imagination, structure and an open declaration of the requirement
for  Goa based businesses to provide suitably qualified Goans with
opportunities to work in Goa, and the absolute requirement for the
Goan environment to be protected.

Believe it or not, Goa is the only home that Goans have. The Goa
environment has faced total abuse and destruction.  Successive Goa
governments have sat impotently while polluting companies have poured
effluent into the Goa waterways and into the Goa water table.

Successive Goa governments have had so called Ministers of Government
and the Civil Service babus scramble only to line up their pockets
with swiped public funds and baksheesh. Successive Goa governments
have made empty promises to the Goan voters, and then proceeded to do
absolutely nothing substantial for the Goa infrastructure.  Every
project had someone taking a hefty cut or two or three.  No wonder
there were major fights to secure the Public Works Ministry.

The word on the street is that "Goans are divided 'bhojjes' who keep
on re-electing corrupt politicians on the basis of a little election
time chicken biryani with beer, and a truckload of 'pokke' promises".
Goa is in for the taking.  All one has to do is "pay off the
politicians and stroke a few communal flames".

"The Hindus will take care of the Catholics - all they have to do is
say a few anti-Portuguese things (can be made up and even carried in
the Press. The media chaps will spread these bogus stories all over
the place),  bring up the Inquisition (not Sati) and write a few
glorious stories about Freedom Fighters (doesn't matter if the chaps
were no better than goons  caught in the act by Goan Police in
Portuguese uniform)."

"After the Goan Catholics are done in by the Goan Hindus, we only have
the Goan Hindus to outmuscle.  Goan Muslims are few and far between

Goans must truly be more sossegado than previously rumoured. All n
Sundry are suddenly waking up from their Rip Van Winkle siesta and
wondering : Arre....How did this happen in Peaceful Goa?  TGF would
really like to know the present thoughts of the Panjim "Catholic
Brahmins" who shamelessly supported the communal elements even though
these violent types were vandalising the historic parts of Fontainhas
in Panjim.

The conveniently saffronised but quite uncollective Panjim "Catholic
Brahmins", and the normally shrewd Margao Saraswat Brahmins
notwithstanding, there is still time for Goans to reverse this trend.
Goans must understand once and for all that when it finally comes down
to the wire, it will be us against them i.e. peaceful Goans v the
violent non-Goans. Time to put aside this nonsense of a difference in
Religion and Script - both are just excuses for the political agendae
of the crooked and wicked. It's time for Goans to understand this.

As far as the ongoing imbroglio vis-à-vis the Indian Navy is
concerned, TGF believes that it can be sorted out quite easily. There
is unlikely to be one solitary sensible Goan who would not wish to be
reasonable with the Navy - if the Navy is reasonable with Goans. With
regard to Anjediva, surely the Navy can organise to look after the
basic needs of the historic Catholic Church there and allow for the
celebration of the annual feast on the island. And in Dabolim, surely
the Indian Navy can make arrangements for the civilian flights to make
a better time structured use of it.

Is it that difficult? TGF does not think so. All it takes is a little
desire for peace and a lot of the rare common sense.

The Indian Navy is the major hope on the horizon for Goa.  Sensible
Navy leadership surely will see the need to win over the hearts and
minds of Goans and help prevent the further destabilization of this
still beautiful place.

There is another hope which lies hidden in the flooded Goa rice
fields. Don't know how many monsoons are needed to make that hope a
reality. Goans are apparently waterlogged by the corrupt modern day
Goa Alibabas i.e. the politicians and the civil servants aka babus.

Goans do not have the power to remove the babus, but they certainly
have the power to give the red card to the corrupt politicians.  Will
40 honest and hard working men and women stand up to the plate, and
will Goans wake up from their chair of sossego and empower themselves
by rejecting the corrupt Alibabas, and electing 40 honest individuals
in their place?

Hello! ....It's time to wake up. The sun is out already. Get to work.
Put some honest fellas in office, and the babus will fall in place
alright. Once you do that, life will be much less complicated than at

Finally, as Goans, we must protect our own  Goan interests by looking
out for and after each other without being unfair or unjust to the law
abiding, decent and good neo-Goans who have made Goa their home or
even their second home.  They are Goans too. They are family.

Let us never forget that we Goans, whether we practise Hinduism,
Christianity, Islam or no religion at all, we are still Goans. We are
one people. We have stood together through all kinds of violence and
injustice that was perpetrated on us by all kinds of people. Whether
it was the Kadambas, the chaps from Golconda, the Vijaynagris, the
Marathas, the Rajputs or the Portuguese,  native Goans always
suffered. But Goans stood together as one for generations. We need to
come together and stand together again.

Either that.......or face decades of more chaos and violence.

There is always ...the opportunity to apply for a Portuguese passport,
then pray to get one within the next 10 years and hope to migrate away
from this nonsense.

But, one better be well qualified and able for that; for - life abroad
is not a bed of roses. It is just as tough and competitive as anywhere

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
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Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.

* * *

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